
Photogallery in Ruby on Rails

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Violet Gallery is advanced photo gallery written in Ruby on Rails.

In action you can see it here: (with commercial template)

- sharp and nice photo thumbnails by ImageMagick
- next/previous photography by keyboard & ajax with updating URL (HTML5) (degrade to
  non js link in incapable browser)
- comments, can be set to allowed, prohibited and 'need to be approved' by
- buying photos (just sending email, no pay gateway integration)
- delayed publishing of photos
- mass photo upload (HTML5)
- maps integration - if you fill GPS (beta)
- localization, UI translated to English, Czech, (partially) Spanish, photos'
  titles translation via Goole Translate
- Calendar (to show when photographer have time)
- Guestbook
- position of items in menu can be changed via drag&drop
- uses Cufon (font replacement), JavaScript form validation (via Really easy
  field validation)


dirty code, lots of hacks and various problems and temporary solutions...:)

- some free template to have decent default look
- write tests
- refactoring
- port to Rails 3
- photo blog feature

Uses following gems/plugins:
acts_as_list (position of sections on the page)
acts_as_ordered (next/previous partially thru this plugin)
mini_magick (info about photos)
calendar_helper (calendar)
globalize2 (localization)
pake_browser_detect (detection of browser for ajax/non-ajax)
paperclip (for ckeditor) 
rails-ckeditor (formating of text in sections)
authlogic (login to admin section)
will_paginate (pagination of photos, comments and guestbook)

- 'cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml' and edit
- 'rake db:setup' to setup database and fill it
- script/server
- localhost:3000 in your browser
- if you want language switching you have to
  setup some domain, for example app.loc, es.app.loc to point to your in localhost
- localhost:3000/admin - 'admin:admin'

if something wrong or missing write me.

if you want help I gladly welcome your code, I want to learn writing tests,
need free template, etc.

Plugins/Gems/photos etc their licence, my code under AGPL.