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Create and manage Communication access tokens for Teams users in a single-page application (SPA)

This code sample walks you through the process of acquiring a Communication Token Credential by exchanging an Azure AD token of a user with a Teams license for a valid Communication access token.

The client part of this sample utilizes the MSAL.js v2.0 (msal-browser) package for authentication against the Azure AD and acquisition of a token with delegated permissions. The initialization of a Communication credential object that can be used for Calling is achieved by the @azure/communication-common package.

The server part of the sample is based on Express.js and relies on widely used libraries such as express-jwt and jwks-rsa for Azure AD token validation. The token exchange itself is then facilitated by the @azure/communication-identity package.


  • An Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free.
  • Node.js Active LTS version
  • An active Communication Services resource and connection string. Create a Communication Services resource.
  • Azure Active Directory tenant with users that have a Teams license.

Before running sample code

  1. Complete the Administrator actions from the Manage access tokens for Teams users quickstart.

    • Take a not of Fabrikam's Azure AD Tenant ID and Contoso's Azure AD App Client ID. You'll need the values in the following steps.
  2. On the Authentication pane of your Azure AD App, add a new platform of the SPA (single-page application) type with the Redirect URI of http://localhost:3000/spa.

  3. Open an instance of Windows Terminal, PowerShell, or an equivalent command line and navigate to the directory that you'd like to clone the sample to.

  4. git clone

  5. Navigate to the manage-teams-identity-spa directory.

  6. Run mv .env.example .env to initialize a .env configuration file from a template.

  7. With the Communication Services procured in pre-requisites and Azure AD Tenant and App Registration procured as part of the Administrator actions, you can now add the connection string, tenant ID and app client ID to the .env file.

    # Azure Communication Services Connection String
    # Azure AD MULTI-TENANT configuration

Run the code

From a console prompt, navigate to the directory containing the server.js file, then execute the following node commands to run the app.

  1. npm i to install the dependencies
  2. npm start

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/. You should be presented with the following screen:

Create Communication token for Teams users

Next steps

Extending the sample with a custom scope validation

For the simplicity of this sample, only the .default scope is required while acquiring the Azure AD token. It is possible to extend this app with a custom scope validation logic by following the steps below:

  1. Add a custom scope by following this tutorial

  2. Run npm install express-jwt-authz from the console in the root folder of the project

  3. Uncomment the following lines in server.js and adjust the scope name to match your custom scope name

    const jwtAuthz = require('express-jwt-authz');
    jwtAuthz([ '<custom-scope-name>' ], { customScopeKey: 'scp' }),
  4. Change the scope name in client.js from ${msalConfig.auth.clientId}/.default to your custom scope api://<application-client-id>/<custom-scope-name>

    let apiAccessToken = await acquireAadToken({ scopes: [`${msalConfig.auth.clientId}/.default`] })