
Script to automatically clean up your old Gmail messages based on autolabeling.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gmail cleaning script


Automatically removes messages labeled as 1 month and 1 week older than the corresponding period of time.

Labels are assigned by Gmail filters (Search dialog -> Create filter: Apply label, Apply to matching conversations).


Create a new project in Apps Script, paste the code from main.gs.

Go to Triggers -> Add trigger and create a time-driven trigger for cleanUp function. I run the script once a week.

If the script has a lot of messages to delete it automatically creates a temporary trigger and deletes messages in batches of 500 threads every 2 hours.

To save your GAS runtime quotas after applying labels to a large number of messages you can search in Gmail:

{(older_than:7d label:1-week) (older_than:1m label:1-month)} 

and delete all old messages manually.