
'ionic-floatpicker' bower component for ionic framework applications

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a ionic-floatpicker bower component which can be used with any Ionic framework's application. It is based on the ionic timepicker project: https://github.com/rajeshwarpatlolla/ionic-timepicker


  1. node.js, npm, ionic, bower and gulp.

##How to use:

  1. In your project repository install the ionic time picker using bower

bower install ionic-floatpicker --save

  1. Give the path of ionic-floatpicker.bundle.min.js in your index.html file.
<!-- path to ionic/angularjs js -->
<script src="lib/ionic-floatpicker/dist/ionic-floatpicker.bundle.min.js"></script>
  1. In your application module inject the dependency ionic-floatpicker, in order to work with the ionic-floatpicker component
angular.module('modulename', ['ionic', 'ionic-floatpicker']){

  1. Use the below format in your template's corresponding controller
$scope.floatPickerObject = {
  inputIndex: 22.01
  stepInt: 1,  //Optional
  stepFloat: 0.01,  //Optional
  maxInt: 999,  //Optional
  titleLabel: '12-hour Format',  //Optional
  setLabel: 'Set',  //Optional
  closeLabel: 'Close',  //Optional
  setButtonType: 'button-positive',  //Optional
  closeButtonType: 'button-stable',  //Optional
  callback: function (val) {    //Mandatory

$scope.floatPickerObject is the object, that we need to pass to the directive. The properties of this object are as follows.

a) inputIndex : value which is used to initialize the picker

b) stepInt (Optional) : This the increment / decrement step for the integer part. Default value is 1

b) stepFloat (Optional) : This the increment / decrement step for the floating part. Default value is 0.01. It also dictates how many decimals are displayed

c) maxInt (Optional) : Specifies how high the counter will go

d) titleLabel (Optional) : The Title for the popup. Default value is Float Picker

e) setLabel (Optional) : The label for the Set button. Default value is Set

f) closeLabel (Optional) : The label for the Close button. Default value is Close

g) setButtonType (Optional) : This the type of the Set button. Default value is button-positive. You can give any valid ionic framework's button classes.

h) closeButtonType (Optional) : This the type of the Close button. Default value is button-stable. You can give any valid ionic framework's button classes.

i) callback (Mandatory) : This the callback function, which will get the selected time in to the controller. You can define this function as follows.

function floatPickerCallback(val) {
  if (typeof (val) === 'undefined') {
    console.log('Float not selected');
  } else {    
    console.log('Selected float is : ', val);
  1. Then use the below format in your template / html file
<ionic-floatpicker input-obj="timePickerObject">
  <button class="button button-block button-positive overflowShow">
    Select float

a) ionic-floatpicker is the directive, to which we can pass required vales.

b) input-obj (Mandatory) : This is an object. We have to pass an object as shown above.