- Eyes Open
Enjoy ^-^
A peaceful and beautiful town with its good inhabitants, is struck by evildoers and "anti-heroes", which are trying to either sabotage, kill or trick the town. There are different roles, each apart of three different teams (Good, Evil or Neutral). Each role has a specific ability and a given goal, to either win with their team, or win by themselves.
- Minimum 3 players
"dependencies": {
"express": "^4.18.1",
"express-session": "^1.17.3",
"randomstring": "^1.2.2",
"socket.io": "^4.5.1",
"socket.io-client": "^4.5.1"
npm i
node server/server.js
Design & Illustrations
Beatriz Ines Avila Cutiño
Code & Design
Petrus Matiros
Untitled UI
"Suspense Mystery Entry" by Tyops of Freesound.org
"Jazz Background Music Loop" by Migfus20 of Freesound.org
"Music: Orchestral Victory Fanfare" by Sheyvan of Freesound.org
"Bass drum snare roll victorious victory positive percussion" by ryusa of Freesound.org
"Jingle_Lose_00" by LittleRobotSoundFactory of Freesound.org
"Rooster, Crowing, A" by InspectorJ of Freesound.org
"howling" by PhonosUPF of Freesound.org
"Pop 8" by greenvwbeetle of Freesound.org
"Pop 2" by greenvwbeetle of Freesound.org
"SFX UI Button Click" by suntemple of Freesound.org
"Minimalist Sci-Fi UI Error" by plasterbrain of Freesound.org
"Old Church Bell (no noise)" by igroglaz of Freesound.org
"Kill impact" by MadPanCake of Freesound.org
"pizzicato" by kickhat of Freesound.org
"freesound strings attack 2" by kickhat of Freesound.org
This game is in it's production phase - still in development :D