NBC Universal - SQE Task


Propose testing solution to search/ API ednpoint at https://images-api.nasa.gov/
Documentation https://images.nasa.gov/docs/images.nasa.gov_api_docs.pdf

Exploratory testing:

API key and service limits

In general "terms" of using NASA API is stayed to use authorization API key and that there should be API limits displayed in the return headers of the requests.

It was verified that other requests, such as https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key=klln2GBGJD9EIPnE45MUBZLOw5RQOP2SecHzsAN6 returns these headers:

x-ratelimit-limit →1000
x-ratelimit-remaining →997

However the requests to https://images-api.nasa.gov does not return such headers.
Also the requests doesn't accept the API key param either: "reason": "Invalid search parameter: api_key"

Thus the testing doesn't included these properties as it seems not relevant to this particular API.

This is most likely due to the fact the API itself is consumed by JS Angular web app hosted at https://images.nasa.gov

Automated testing:

General testing profiq/nasa/tests/General.java

  • Testing general responses of the API

For example:

  • Verify status code 400
  • Verify response for error 400 is JSON
  • Verify status code 404
  • Verify response for error 404 is JSON
  • Verify response for OPTIONS, POST
    TODO: We could add testing of the other responses such as PUT, DELETE, PATCH etc

Univerals testing profiq/nasa/Utils.java

  • Class Utils have several helper method but it also consist of several tests:
    For each correct request it's expected the following to be true:
    • Response code 200
    • Response is JSON
    • Response have correct "href" object
    • Response have correct JSON structure
      Every expected correct request ( request which is expected to end with response code 200 ) is automatically tested for these assertions.

Specific param testing:

Each param of the /search end point has it's own test class. For example profiq/nasa/tests/QSearch.java Also class for each param has it's own method verifySearchResults which verifies the search results for the particular param.

Param q tests:

  • Verify that search is returning only the data which really have values from the Q search
  • Verify long query 200 chars
  • Verify very long query 1600 chars
  • Verify top boundary ( 50k chars)
  • Verify bottom boundary ( empty string)
  • Verify special characters which are not allowed
  • Verify special characters which are allowed

Param media_type tests:

  • Verify that search is returning only the data which has correct media_type for type audio
  • Verify that search is returning only the data which has correct media_type for type image
  • Verify that search is returning only the data which has correct media_type for type image, audio
  • Verify bottom boundary ( empty string)
  • Verify results from special characters

Param title tests:

  • Verify that search is returining items with correct title
  • Verify empty value

TODO: Add tests for other params

Param combination testing

In file \profiq\nasa\tests\Combinations.java we have param combination tests. Each search param can be used on it's onw but mostly like in combination with other param. That's why Test Class for each param implements function verifySearchResults so we can combine multiple params together and than simply run verification for each param used.

The class consits of tests:

  • CombineMediaAndQSearch
  • CombineMediaQTitleSearch

However there is 13 params in total. Which can be combined at will. Define each combination by hand is not possible. Thus we should use "parametrized" testing in here. I would create function which would generate combinations of the params and could also verify all the responses automatically. Didn't have more time to do.

Other TODO tests due to lack of time:

  • When the respones has more than 100 results, there is link in the JSON for the next page, the link itself should be tested and this shoudl be also tested with combination with some search params.
  • Only top structure of the JSON file is tested. It consits of arrays of other JSONObjets, the structure of these sub objets is not tested.

Performance testing:

If we would need to fully test this API. Performance testing should be included. I would personally use tools JMeter or Gatling as I have personal experience with them. Also it would depend on what types of test we would like to perform - load testing, stress testing, endurance testing etc...

Also the testing would be different if we would test the software with the API or just the API. If we should test the software, we would need to deploy it on a server with specific HW setup (VMs). So we can determine how well the software behaves with particular HW and what are its limits. It's important that the HW which performs the tests is more powerful than the HW holding the tested software so we can reach it's limits (we can use JMeter Slave mode for distribuated testing). During performance testing it's important to watch closely the server resources. We could leverage plugins such us PerfMonitor to get server information (CPU, RAM etc) directly to the JMeter and the tests. If the backend server is complex we might also need to determine the bottlenecks (DB, some micro-services etc).

But what we can test right now with this particular API is the response time of the requests.
Tested url https://images-api.nasa.gov/search?q=apollo

10 concurent requets - average reponse time ~250ms, max 262ms
50 concurent requets - average reponse time ~359ms, max 439ms
100 concurent requets - average reponse time ~1569ms, max 3758ms

Keep in mind that no timers(delay before requets) were included. All requests were started in parallel. To simulate real life scenario I would recommend adding random uniform timers (or some other) before each requets. Also these tests were stressing only search with the q param. Other params might shown different results.

Security testing:

This is public API without any authorization tokens. It looks like every infromation which is in the DB is shared here. Thus it doesn't seem that security would be priority task of this API.


Some of the basic security test is already in place in normal tests:

  • Input validation
  • Restricted HTTP methods (POST, PUT, DELETE ... )

What could be tested more:

  • Request content types
  • Accept headers
  • No stacktrace in error messages ( was not able to trigger error 5xx)
  • SQL Injections , eval validations
  • IP Location source - depending on the nature of the API we might want to block anonymous sources such as TOR

Found issues:

1. Incorrect response on requests after request with error 400

If you do an incorrect request which leads to error 400, every other request (regardless if they are correct or not) is going to get the same error and response as the first bad request for the next 10 seconds.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Make a GET request on https://images-api.nasa.gov/search?year_start=%22test%22
  2. Check the response for error {"reason":"Invalid value year_start=\"test\"."}
  3. Immediately make a GET request on https://images-api.nasa.gov/search?year_start=2005
  4. Check the response

Expected result:

{"collection": ...}

Actual result:

{"reason":"Invalid value year_start=\"test\"."}

2. Incorrect response format for error 404 and 414

In the documentation there is stated that: JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors. However this ins't true for ERROR 404 or ERROR 414.
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Make a GET request on https://images-api.nasa.gov/searchasdfasdfasdf to trigger 404 or make request with 50k length to trigger 414.
  2. Check the response format

Expected result:
The response format is JSON.
Actual result:
The response is HTML

  <title>404 Not Found</title>
  <h1>404 Not Found</h1>
  The resource could not be found.<br/><br/>


Possible cause: These errors are handled by NGINX proxy server which is deployed before the API.

3. Confusing API version stated in the docs

The documentation states that it should be release v1.1.1 however the API response has version 1.0. It's possible that the version is in regards to the document but the documentation version should be in sync with with the API version. This is confusing. Nevertheless if the API has version in response the docs should address this.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Make a GET request on https://images-api.nasa.gov/search?q=xxxx
  2. Check the response

Expected result:

    "collection": {
        "href": "https://images-api.nasa.gov/search?q=xxxx",
        "items": [],
        "metadata": {
            "total_hits": 0
        "version": "1.1.1"

Actual result:

    "collection": {
        "href": "https://images-api.nasa.gov/search?q=xxxx",
        "items": [],
        "metadata": {
            "total_hits": 0
        "version": "1.0"

Suggestions for improvements:

I encountered things which could be considered bugs but due to a lack of documentation it's hard to determine if the issue is bug or just suggestion for improvement.

1. Inconsistency around response JSON structure - key links

When you create a search request which has more than 100 results. In the main JSON response there is key links which has array of values. The array holds one or 2 objects and that is link to another 100 or if you go to page2 it has links to previous side.

"links": [
        "prompt": "Previous",
        "rel": "prev",
        "href": "https://images-api.nasa.gov/search?q=apollo&page=1"
        "prompt": "Next",
        "rel": "next",
        "href": "https://images-api.nasa.gov/search?q=apollo&page=3"

However when you create a search request which has less than 100 results. The link key is omitted. The links key should be present at all times but the array should be empty when needed

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Make a GET HTTP request on https://images-api.nasa.gov/search?q=nothing
  2. Check the response.

Expected results:

    "collection": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "href": "https://images-api.nasa.gov/search?q=nothing",
        "metadata": {
            "total_hits": 76
        "items": [...],
        "links": []

Actual results:

    "collection": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "href": "https://images-api.nasa.gov/search?q=nothing",
        "metadata": {
            "total_hits": 76
        "items": [...]

2. Improved documentation

The documentation lacks the information about some parts of the API. It's not hard to understand how the API behaves without the documetnation. But without it we can't be sure how the developers can treat the undocumented parts. If they can use them? Is it guranteed that will not chnage? And other questions.

Used tools / frameworks

  • Automated tests written in Java and TestNG
  • For manual testing Postman and curl used
  • For response time JMeter used