This library enables the arbitrary fetching of merkle inclusion proofs for any field of the Ethereum beacon chain state. Please be aware that this is a very heavy operation, as it requires downloading the entire beacon state at the given slot, which can be several 100s of MBs in size.
- Fetch beacon state at a given slot.
- Compute Merkle proofs for specific indices within the state.
- Asynchronous API using
. - Custom error handling for easier debugging.
Add this to your Cargo.toml
beacon-state-proof = { git = "" }
use beacon_state_proof::state_proof_fetcher::StateProofFetcher;
async fn main() {
let fetcher = StateProofFetcher::new("BEACON_NODE_RPC_URL".to_string());
match fetcher.fetch_state_proof(6408035, 55).await {
Ok(proof) => println!("Proof: {:?}", proof),
Err(e) => eprintln!("Error: {:?}", e),
use beacon_state_proof::state_proof_fetcher::{StateProofFetcher, SyncCommitteeProof};
async fn main() {
let fetcher = StateProofFetcher::new("".to_string());
let proof: SyncCommitteeProof = match fetcher.fetch_next_sync_committee_proof(6408035).await {
Ok(proof) => proof,
Err(e) => {
println!("Error fetching state proof: {:?}", e);
println!("{:?}", proof.leaf);