A crypto ticker for the Pimoroni e-ink displays running on the Raspberry Pi.
Inky, Pillow, bitcoin-price-api, font_hanken_grotesk
This is a WIP and while it works for printing the bitcoin image and current price, it is not considered finished. I am using this project as an opportunity to learn more Python.
- Change to cryptocurrency-price-api https://github.com/AnilDaoud/cryptocurrency-price-api
- Add simple logging using loguru? http://github.com/Delgan/loguru
- Can i draw the text statically, not by devision?
- Add price history, time.
- TinyDB database for price history?
- Color big price moves, or add arrow images.
- Add arguments for type of display, color, fonts, update timer, currency pairs to show.
- Create more images for currencies.
- Make script run as daemon, crontab sucks.