
Guessing game which also has a chat feature. This project uses socket.io to broadcast users' answers and messages to the server.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

After cloning the repository you can get this project to launch using npm and node.js.

If you haven't installed them yet:

Navigate to project folder and execute npm install

After installing necessary packages the application can be launched using node app command.

Link to the project: Local host

Certain actions are logged to console which may help to understand how the application works.

For testing the application successfully you need two instances running at the same time. Simply put, open two tabs.

Starting screen

After both instances have successfully connected to server and confirmed they are ready you should see the actual game.

Starting screen

The goal is simple. Be the first to guess the randomly generated number. The application tells if your guess was too high or too low. You can also chat with your opponent with wholesome chat feature.

Note: Wholesomeness depends on the players.

Starting screen

After finishing the round, a new round starts shortly after automatically clearing the guesses.

Starting screen

And that's the application.
