
A little test project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A little test project for avhs


  • nodejs 4.4.2+ (and npm)
  • webpack 1.12.9

Install nodejs for your environment from NodeJS.org


Begin with npm install in root directory. Depending on your installation sudo might be needed.

Make sure you have a config.sh file in the root directory of this project that exports password and usernames from the environment variables.

It should look like this:

 # !/bin/bash

 export username=YourUserName
 export password=YourPassword
 export url=TheAPIURL

Run it form a terminal with this command: . config.sh

Start webpack server with nodejs webpack-server.js Start the api server with nodejs server.js

Open browser and go to localhost:9098

Build the project and run "production"

To build the project, make sure you have webpack installed and that you are exposing the needed environment variables described in "Develop" section.

Run webpack (To get minified version type webpack -p). A folder called dist/ will be created. Some warnings probably, but they doesn't matter.

Then run nodejs server.js

Open browser and go to localhost:9090

My environment

This project is tested on Linux 3.19.0-33-generic Ubuntu 15.04 x86_64 with Chrome 50.0.2661 and FireFox 44.0