
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


API handlers

Every POST request checks for API key and can handle statistical data
Pass API key with curl -X POST -d "apikey=<apikey>" https://server.domain.com/<handler>

  • POST /target
    Returns target to wich should be all the following requests sent
    curl -X POST -d "apikey=<apikey>" https://server.domain.com/target

  • POST /:target/counter
    Returns current package number that should be calculated. First we empty the leftover list (filled every two hours with lookup to the specified directory), after all of those are taken, we continue on incrementing active counter.
    curl -X POST -d "apikey=<apikey>" https://server.domain.com/1/counter

  • POST /:target/file/down/:counter
    Returns actual package with number passed as argument
    curl -X POST -d "apikey=<apikey>" https://server.domain.com/1/file/down/16

  • POST /:target/file/target/archive
    Returns :target/targets/archive.zip
    curl -X POST -d "apikey=<apikey>" https://server.domain.com/

  • POST /:target/file/:counter
    Uploads calcualted file to the server.
    curl -X POST -F "data=@OUT_16.sdf" -F "apikey=<apikey>" -F "Client=covid-solver-unix" -F "ClientGUID=<random GUID>" -F "ThreadCount=3" https://server.domain.com/1/file/16

  • GET /current
    Returns current active counter

  • GET /leftovers
    Returns leftovers

  • GET /health
    Returns "ok" if server is alive and kicking

Setup and development


Install NodeJS (V12)

nvm install v12 && nvm use --delete-prefix v12

Install MongoDB (community edition)

brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community

# and boot it up
mongod --dbpath ./mongo-data

Prepare configuration file ./config.json where ./index.js lives with following contents

  "path": "<current full system path> i.e. $PWD",
  "mongo": "mongodb://"

Create missing directories

mkdir -p {mongo-data,compounds,uploads,targets}

Install dependencies

yarn install
# or
npm install

Boot-up index.js

node index.js