
It is to be used for regression tests for Suricata IDPS - http://suricata-ids.org/

Released under GNU GPL v2


It is to be used for regression tests for Suricata IDPS - http://suricata-ids.org/

It takes in 1 argument - a directory where a pcap/rule pairs of files exist. Like so - 2002031-001-sandnet-public-tp-01.pcap 2002031.rules

The name of the pcap will be in this format:

2002031-001-sandnet-public-tp-01.pcap meaning:

2002031 - rule id (sid) 001 - pcap id (for having multiple pcaps for a sid) sandnet - pcap source public - whether or not the pcap can be shared tp - true positive (fp for false positive) 01 - number of alerts we should see for the sid

The rule file should be in the this format:


The goal is simple. The script should run the pcap against the rules and check if the number/sid of alerts is correct. If it isn't, display an error/warning.

After the script is done it will generate a textfile based report in the directory where it was run from. Example - regression-run-2013-09-30-16:44:21.log It will also include the Suricata revision/version it was run with at the top of the report.

To run the script: ./regression_script.sh /path/to/directory/with/rule/pcap/pairs