Translate your Kindle Vocabulary Builder from the source language into your native language with Google Translate or DeepL.
- Copy the
file from your Kindle, it's stored in/Volumes/Kindle/system/vocabulary/vocab.db
if you mount it on a Mac - clone this repo and install the packages
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
Google Translate should work out of the box, for DeepL you need an API key (they offer a free tier for up to 500k characters per month)
For DeepL you need to set the API key as an environment variable DEEPL_API_KEY
. Like so:
export DEEPL_API_KEY=ABC1234
python -e deepl -l de -i vocab.db -o dictionary.db
help menu:
usage: [-h] -l LANG [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] [-e ENGINE]
Translate your Kindle Vocabulary.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LANG, --lang LANG Language to translate to (DE, EN, FR, etc.)
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Location of your vocab.db file
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Location of your output dictionary file
-e ENGINE, --engine ENGINE
choose between deepl and google