
Monitors Donald Trumps tweets and if a company name is within his tweets, monitors their stock levels for the next week

Primary LanguagePython


A script that montiors Trump's tweets to see if he mentions a company. If a company is mentioned, the script will tweet and email subscribers.

I noticed that when Trump mentioned Toyota in a negative light their shares dipped heavily, while when Fiat and Ford were mentioned in a positive manner they had an increase in shares. I wanted to create something to visualise this.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrumpShare4Cast


For this you will need:

  • Selenium
  • Yahoo_finance

These can be installed via:

pip install selenium
pip install yahoo_finance


  • You must first set up a Twitter APP
  • You need to set up an email and make sure that your account allows less secure apps
  • Input this data into the config file with your keys and email info like so:

Config setup

  • If you don't want the email function, you need to remove it from the code. Remove "Output(matches).email()" from the main() function, and remove the entire def email() function inside the Output Class.
  • If you would like to use this with another Twitter user, you need to change the "Twitter" in the Config, to the users Twitter handle.
  • You can change the companies you want to be monitored by removing the companies within companies.tx and adding your own, one on each line.

Please keep in mind this is still a work in progress and I will be updating it very soon.