
Fork do módulo Newsslider 1.2b

Primary LanguagePHP

Thank you for using Newsslider. The Module is an extension to the News Module. 
It will add a scrolling News block to your XOOPS Site.
Upload the module folder into the module folder of your xoops installation.
Go to the Admin and install the module.  To Setup a block go to XOOPS blocksadmin 
area and select add a block Scrolling News.

XOOPS 2.0.6+
Newsslider requires a recent version of the News module available at www.xoops.org
(at least Version 1.44)

Updates & new Versions
For updates check this location: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ymodules/files/Newsslider/

Instructions how to use your own images
.Featured Content Slider using jQuery
To have your own images with block Featured Content Slider upload them via FTP.
Images are located in modules/newsslider/images directory.
Five featured Images, named from image1.jpg to image5.jpg, have following dimensions: 400 x 250px.
Five thumbnail Images, named from image1-small.jpg to image5-small.jpg, have these dimensions: 80 x 50px.
Images are located in the directory modules/newsslider/images/s3.
Five featured Images, named from image1.jpg to image5.jpg, have following dimensions: 410 x 300px.
.bxSlider (beta!)
Images are named in the same manner and are located in the same directory as for Featured Content Slider. They can be of any size.

Credits and Thanks
OpenClipart : http://www.openclipart.org
Pausescroller, DHTML Ticker script and Featured Content Glider : http://DynamicDrive.com
Featured Content Slider : Web Developer Plus : http://webdeveloperplus.com/jquery/featured-content-slider-using-jquery-ui/
S3Slider : http://www.serie3.info/s3slider/
jQuery bxSlider v3.0 : http://bxslider.com/
News Module : Herve http://xoops.org/
Maitsco : http://www.maitsco.com/english
jlmZone : http://www.jlmzone.com/modules/news/

The Module was carefully designed and tested on FF 8.01, IE 8.0, Chrome 16 using XOOPS 2.54.
But bear in mind that the Module is still in development. Use at your own risk.
Some features may be missing or incomplete.  Bugs may appear, even security holes.

Dec 2011
first release