Automatic Batching System Dashboard

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What is the batching process?

Batching is a process used in the manufacturing of a wide range of products from concrete and seal coating to baked goods and cosmetics. In the simplest terms, batching is like making a really big cake.
Automatic Batching System designed and developed to automate the process of weighing and mixing raw materials together to create a final product.

What does the dashbaord panel do?

This is a dashboard designed and developed to collect and monitor data fetched from the Automatic Batching System installed in animal feed factories.
The dashboard have multitenant architecture on the backend in which a single instance of a software application serves multiple customers.
The backend gathers manufacturing process raw data from each factory automation software and then compute, sort and categorize data to deliver meaningful information on the frontend.

What types of data does Automatic Batching System produce and send?

As mentioed earlier, batching systems is used in a wide range of manufacturing products line like animal feed mills. Therefore, data such as raw materials (corn, wheat, ...), formulas, warehouses inventory, factory operators, the real amount of material weighing, date and time of batching, the amount of producing tolerance, daily batching stats, ... are crucial to monitor by factory owners, managers and admins.

Web technologies used

MERN Stack
Frontend: React
Backend: Nodejs
DB: MongoDB