
Related to my YouTube video about setting up Termux

Related to my YouTube video


Setting Up Termux

#f03c15 در دست ساخت

Before installation

Before any installation you should first update packages repositories like:
apt update
then go for installing your target app like:
apt install cmatrix


For access termux command list like the list below you should first install termux-api apk via Google play store termux-api Download Termux-api - Google play store


SSH provides a secure way for accessing remote hosts and replaces tools such as telnet, rlogin, rsh, ftp. Termux provides SSH via two packages: dropbear and openssh. If you never used these tools before, it is recommended to install 'openssh' as it is more common. Installing:
apt install openssh


ssh user@ipaddress -p 8022
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apt install busybox termux-services
After installation you need to restart session or source this file:

source $PREFIX/etc/profile.d/start-services.sh Now you ready to enable and start the FTP daemon service:

    sv-enable ftpd
    sv up ftpd

default port is 8021
If you need to stop server, run sv down ftpd.

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Graphical Environment

Enabling the X11 Repository
X11 packages are available in a separate APT repository. You can enable it by running the following command:
apt install x11-repo

Setting up VNC

  1. Install package tigervnc:
    apt install tigervnc
  2. After installation, execute this:
  3. If everything is okay, you will see this message:
    New 'localhost:1 ()' desktop is localhost:1
    Creating default startup script /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.vnc/xstartup
    Creating default config /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.vnc/config
    Starting applications specified in /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.vnc/xstartup
    Log file is /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.vnc/localhost:1.log

It means that X (vnc) server is available on display 'localhost:1'.

  1. Finally, to make programs do graphical output to the display 'localhost:1', set environment variable like shown here (yes, without specifying 'localhost'):
    export DISPLAY=":1"


apt install xfce4
xfce4-session &

Additional recommended packages for installation:

netsurf - Simple graphical web browser. Javascript is not supported. xfce4-terminal - Terminal emulator for XFCE. It is not included as part of XFCE installation to allow use of aterm or st.

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Windows 3.1

First download the zip file then extract the file in the root of home folder
then install Dosbox:
apt install dosbox
run Dosbox and mount the home folder as drive c like:
mount c: ~

the go to C drive:

    cd WINDOWS


    apt install tor
    tor --HTTPTunnelPort 8118 #by pass filter all over the phone

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