
Catch the Beat, Identify the Track - Your Record Player Companion

Primary LanguagePython


I have developed an application that identifies the music being played and runs locally on my laptop situated in front of my record player. This app allows me to discover the track information of the music I'm listening to in real-time.

Using https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-audio-visualizers for the visualizer. Using https://pypi.org/project/shazamio/ for the track identifier.

Getting Started

Run the front end. Navigate to the now-play dir in Terminal. Execute:

npm run dev

Run the back end. Open a new Terminal. Navigate to the app dir in Terminal. Execute:

python3 app.py

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


Catch the Beat, Identify the Track - Your Record Player Companion

