
Primary LanguageVim Script

My Vim .vimrc IDE Setup

Instruction Source ####Vim_IDE

Plugins: ####Vundle ####SimpylFold ####indentpython

####YouCompleteMe CTRL+Space

####syntastic ####nerdtree CTRL+n open in window hit "s", open in tab hit "t"

####ctrlp CTRL+p


####conque Usage

Type :ConqueTerm to run your command in vim, for example:

:ConqueTerm bash
:ConqueTerm mysql -h localhost -u joe -p sock_collection
:ConqueTerm Powershell.exe
:ConqueTerm C:\Python27\python.exe

To open ConqueTerm in a new horizontal or vertical buffer use:

:ConqueTermSplit <command>
:ConqueTermVSplit <command>
:ConqueTermTab <command>

All text typed in insert mode will be sent to your shell. Use the <F9> key to send a visual selection from any buffer to the shell.

For more help type :help ConqueTerm