A book list app created as part of the "Modern JavaScript from the Begining" Udemy course by the amazing Brad Traversy.
The Book List project uses the Skeleton css library. The project was initially built using ES5 then as a comparative exercise refactored using ES6. It was good to see the difference between constructors and classes.
This task list can be used here.
- Use the form to enter a book title, author and isbn.
- On submit the form data is add to a book table beneath the form.
- A success notification is given at the top of the page.
- The form data is also added to local storage.
- An error message is given at the top of the page if an empty form is submitted.
- Clicking the X on the individual book in the books list will delete the book from the list and the local storage.
- I would like to add images to each book via an API. Once the book form is submitted the API would fetch an image and perhaps the latest review scores.