Library for interfacing with Jablotron 6x alarms by using the JA-80T serial cable via MQTT.
as root run:
export LC_ALL=C
pip install setuptools wheel
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
cp jablotron2mqtt.service /etc/systemd/system/
chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/jablotron2mqtt.service
vi /etc/systemd/system/jablotron2mqtt.service # adjust serial port, mqtt server and topic, verbosity etc.
systemctl start jablotron2mqtt
systemctl status jablotron2mqtt
systemctl enable jablotron2mqtt
. ./venv/bin/activate
jablotron2mqtt/main.py --serial-port /dev/ttyUSB0 --host mqtt
once is the mqtt bridge running you may check mqtt for incomming messages:
$ mosquitto_sub -h mqtt -t 'alarm/#' -v
alarm/online 1
alarm/mode disarmed
alarm/leds/power 1
alarm/leds/blinking_lock 0
alarm/leds/lock 0
alarm/raw ba ff
alarm/raw e7 08 11 23 19 48 1b 4e ff
alarm/raw b4 ff
alarm/raw e0 40 01 59 7f 00 7f ff
or emulate key presses on the alarm control panel:
mosquitto_pub -h mqtt -t alarm/key/press -m "F1"
Home Assistant:
eventually if you plan to controll your jablotron from Home Assistant your configuration may look like this:
- platform: mqtt
name: jablotron
state_topic: "alarm/mode"
command_topic: "alarm/key/press"
payload_disarm: !secret alarm_code
payload_arm_home: "F1"
payload_arm_away: !secret alarm_code
availability_topic: "alarm/online"
payload_available: "1"
payload_not_available: "0"
More details about the ja-6x protocol is in the wiki.