The Wireless Transport Emulator tailored for the 5th ONF WT PoC.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Wireless Transport Emulator for ONF PoC 5

OpenYuma Wireless Transport Emulator (WTE) is a wireless transport topology emulation with OpenYuma NETCONF server, based on ONF TR-532.


WTE takes as input three files:

  • a JSON topology file, with a specific structure, describing the network to be emulated.
  • a JSON configuration file giving details about the SDN controller information, ranges for the NEs management IP addresses and for the hosts connected to the NEs
  • the XML configuration file based on the YANG models to be used by each emulated Network Element as a startup configuration and an XML file containing the status parameters of the model. These two files can be automatically generated using a custom version of the pyang utility, that is available here.

Each NE is emulated as a docker container and exposes a NETCONF server based on the OpenYuma framework, reflecting an information model based on TR-532 from ONF. Links between different NEs, as described in the JSON topology file, are emulated as connections through veth pairs. The high-level architecture of the emulator is shown below.

As extension of Wireless Transport Emulator the java based netconf simulator NetconfServerSimulator can be used.



These instructions are for Ubuntu.


Install Docker following the instructions from here.

Make sure that you follow the instructions also for Manage Docker as a non-root user from here.


sudo apt-get -y install \
  apt-transport-https \
  ca-certificates \
  curl \
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository \
       "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \
       $(lsb_release -cs) \
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install docker-ce

Test that the docker installation was successful:

sudo docker run hello-world

Run docker without sudo:

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated.

docker run hello-world

Python 3.6

Install version 3.6 for python:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/python-3.6; \
sudo apt-get update; \
sudo apt-get install python3.6; \
sudo apt-get install python3.6-dev


####These steps need to be done after every git pull to reflect the new changes

Build the docker container located in the OpenYuma folder:

cd OpenYuma

From the base directory run the following commands:



An example of a JSON topology configuration file topology.json with 3 simulated devices looks like this:

  "network-elements" : [
      "network-element" :
        "uuid" : "NE1",
        "type" : "OpenYuma",
        "interfaces" : [
            "layer" : "MWPS",
            "LTPs" : [
                      { "id": "ai1",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "signalIsLost, rslIsExceeded, signalIDMismatching, temperatureIsExceeded, modemIsFaulty, radioIsFaulty, modulationIsDownShifted",
                        "physical-port-reference" : "shelf1:slot2:card-type:port1",
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-air-interface-pac"
			          { "id": "ai2",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "signalIsLost, rslIsExceeded, signalIDMismatching, temperatureIsExceeded, modemIsFaulty, radioIsFaulty, modulationIsDownShifted",
                        "physical-port-reference" : "shelf1:slot3:card-type:port1",
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-air-interface-pac"
            "layer" : "MWS",
            "LTPs" : [
                      { "id" : "pe1",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "structureAlarm",
                        "serverLTPs" : [{"id" : "ai1"}],
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-pure-ethernet-structure-pac"
			          { "id" : "pe2",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "structureAlarm",
                        "serverLTPs" : [{"id" : "ai2"}],
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-pure-ethernet-structure-pac"
            "layer" : "ETC",
            "LTPs" : [
                      { "id" : "me1",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "framingIsFaulty, containerIsDown",
                        "serverLTPs" : [{"id" : "pe1"}],
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-ethernet-container-pac"
                      { "id" : "me2",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "framingIsFaulty, containerIsDown",
                        "serverLTPs" : [{"id" : "pe2"}],
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-ethernet-container-pac"
            "layer" : "ETY",
            "LTPs" : [
                      {"id" : "ety1", "physical-port-reference" : "shelf1:slot1:card-type:port1"},
                      {"id" : "ety2", "physical-port-reference" : "shelf1:slot1:card-type:port2"}
            "layer" : "ETH",
            "LTPs" : [
        "eth-cross-connections" : [
      "network-element" :
        "uuid" : "NE2",
        "type" : "OpenYuma",
        "interfaces" : [
            "layer" : "MWPS",
            "LTPs" : [
                      { "id": "ai1",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "signalIsLost, rslIsExceeded, signalIDMismatching, temperatureIsExceeded, modemIsFaulty, radioIsFaulty, modulationIsDownShifted",
                        "physical-port-reference" : "shelf1:slot2:card-type:port1",
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-air-interface-pac"
			          { "id": "ai2",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "signalIsLost, rslIsExceeded, signalIDMismatching, temperatureIsExceeded, modemIsFaulty, radioIsFaulty, modulationIsDownShifted",
                        "physical-port-reference" : "shelf1:slot3:card-type:port1",
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-air-interface-pac"
            "layer" : "MWS",
            "LTPs" : [
                      { "id" : "pe1",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "structureAlarm",
                        "serverLTPs" : [{"id" : "ai1"}],
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-pure-ethernet-structure-pac"
			          { "id" : "pe2",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "structureAlarm",
                        "serverLTPs" : [{"id" : "ai2"}],
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-pure-ethernet-structure-pac"
            "layer" : "ETC",
            "LTPs" : [
                      { "id" : "me1",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "framingIsFaulty, containerIsDown",
                        "serverLTPs" : [{"id" : "pe1"}],
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-ethernet-container-pac"
                      { "id" : "me2",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "framingIsFaulty, containerIsDown",
                        "serverLTPs" : [{"id" : "pe2"}],
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-ethernet-container-pac"
            "layer" : "ETY",
            "LTPs" : [
                      {"id" : "ety1", "physical-port-reference" : "shelf1:slot1:card-type:port1"},
                      {"id" : "ety2", "physical-port-reference" : "shelf1:slot1:card-type:port2"}
            "layer" : "ETH",
            "LTPs" : [
        "eth-cross-connections" : [
      "network-element" :
        "uuid" : "NE3",
        "type" : "OpenYuma",
        "interfaces" : [
            "layer" : "MWPS",
            "LTPs" : [
                      { "id": "ai1",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "signalIsLost, rslIsExceeded, signalIDMismatching, temperatureIsExceeded, modemIsFaulty, radioIsFaulty, modulationIsDownShifted",
                        "physical-port-reference" : "shelf1:slot2:card-type:port1",
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-air-interface-pac"
			          { "id": "ai2",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "signalIsLost, rslIsExceeded, signalIDMismatching, temperatureIsExceeded, modemIsFaulty, radioIsFaulty, modulationIsDownShifted",
                        "physical-port-reference" : "shelf1:slot3:card-type:port1",
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-air-interface-pac"
            "layer" : "MWS",
            "LTPs" : [
                      { "id" : "pe1",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "structureAlarm",
                        "serverLTPs" : [{"id" : "ai1"}],
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-pure-ethernet-structure-pac"
			          { "id" : "pe2",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "structureAlarm",
                        "serverLTPs" : [{"id" : "ai2"}],
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-pure-ethernet-structure-pac"
            "layer" : "ETC",
            "LTPs" : [
                      { "id" : "me1",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "framingIsFaulty, containerIsDown",
                        "serverLTPs" : [{"id" : "pe1"}],
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-ethernet-container-pac"
                      { "id" : "me2",
                        "supportedAlarms" : "framingIsFaulty, containerIsDown",
                        "serverLTPs" : [{"id" : "pe2"}],
                        "conditional-package" : "mw-ethernet-container-pac"
            "layer" : "ETY",
            "LTPs" : [
                      {"id" : "ety1", "physical-port-reference" : "shelf1:slot1:card-type:port1"},
                      {"id" : "ety2", "physical-port-reference" : "shelf1:slot1:card-type:port2"}
            "layer" : "ETH",
            "LTPs" : [
        "eth-cross-connections" : [
  "topologies" : {
    "mwps" : {
      "links" : [
        [{"uuid" : "NE1", "ltp" : "ai2", "radio-signal-id" : "26"}, {"uuid" : "NE2", "ltp" : "ai1", "radio-signal-id" : "26"}],
        [{"uuid" : "NE2", "ltp" : "ai2", "radio-signal-id" : "27"}, {"uuid" : "NE3", "ltp" : "ai1", "radio-signal-id" : "27"}],
        [{"uuid" : "NE3", "ltp" : "ai2", "radio-signal-id" : "28"}, {"uuid" : "NE1", "ltp" : "ai1", "radio-signal-id" : "28"}]
    "ety" : {
      "links" : [        

An example emulator configuration file config.json is shown below:

  "controller" : [  
    "ip-address" : "",
    "port" : 8181,
    "username" : "admin",
    "password" : "admin"
  "managementIpNetwork" : "",
  "hostIpNetwork" : "",
  "notificationPeriod" : 10,
  "automatic-odl-registration" : true,
  "portBasedEmulation" : true,
  "netconfPortBase" : 12000,
  "sshPortBase" : 15000,
  "emulatorIpAddress" : ""

The information about the SDN controller, where the emulated NEs automatically register, is available under the controller object.

The range for the management IP of the network elements is given by the managementIpNetwork object, and the range for the IPs of the hosts connected to the NEs is configurable through the linksIpNetwork element.

Each NE is capable of generating a random problem-notification NETCONF nofiticaion, from its available supported-alarms. The value of notificationPeriod object represents the amount of seconds between each such random notifications.

  • Starting the emulator is done with the following command (asuming you are in the base folder):

sudo wtemulatorpoc5 --config=config.json --topo=topology.json --xml=yang/microwave-model-config.xml

Alternatively, the emulator can be starting using the start.sh script, after you configure there what topology file to be used:


  • Stopping the emulator is done with the commands quit or exit executed from the CLI. This will delete all the previously created docker containers, docker networks.

  • Cleaning might be necessary if previous runs were not terminated correctly. This will delete all the previously created docker containers, docker networks.

sudo wtemulatorpoc5 --config=config.json --clean




