JLife - Basic implementation of the Conway's game of life.
JLife [option]... [file]
JLife is a command line program that simulates a two-dimensional space where the rules of game of life apply. Game of life is a cellular automaton invented by John Horton Conway in 1970.
By default, JLife starts in automatic mode. It means that each generation will be shown regularly, the delay is configurable. It can also be interactive or quiet.
JLife -a=50
Starts the automatic mode with a delay of 50 milliseconds.
JLife -i glider.jlf
Starts the interactive mode and load the file glider.jlf. The user must press Enter to display the next generation.
JLife -q -g=500
Quiet mode. Computes 500 generations and show the last one.
Note that only one of these three options can be called at once.
-a, --auto[=delay]
Starts the automatic mode. delay
is the time in milliseconds between each generation. By default it is 100.
-g, --generations=max_gens
Specifies the maximum number of generations to compute.
-?, --help
Prints short help and exit.
-i, --interactive
Starts the interactive mode. The user must press Enter to display the next generation.
-q, --quiet
Computes quickly and show only the last generation.
The following options configure the random creation of the grid if no file is specified.
-w, --width=number
Sets the number of cells in the grid width.
-h, --height=number
Sets the number of cells in the grid height.
-d, --density=number
Sets the density of living cells. Number from 1 to 10.
Copyright 2014 Pierre Faivre. This is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.