
Automated dotfiles installer with Ansible

Primary LanguageVim ScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Automated dotfiles installer with Ansible (featuring my personal set of dotfiles).




A handy script to compress a bunch of JPEG files at once.

jpeg-compressor screenshot

tmux theme

A swaggy tmux

How to use it

Start by forking/cloning this repo.

There is 2 things to edit to make this yours:

Then, just execute the script:


How it works

The install.sh script will start by installing Ansible.

Then it will run the main playbook to:

  • apply a set of configurations depending on the platform
  • recursively loop into the "ansible/roles/common-linux/files/home" folder. For each file found, a link will be created in the $HOME directory, keeping its subdirectory structure.

But why a link???

Putting a link for configuration files instead of copying them, allows to re-run the dotfiles installer without erasing the locally modified configurations.