
Android GUI for PrefixLinux-Android, project to bring Linux minidistro to any Android device, without requiring root access. See Wiki for more.

Primary LanguageJava

Android GUI for PrefixLinux

This is a fork of botbrew-gui (https://github.com/jyio/botbrew-gui) application for the need of PrefixLinux-Android project. Main changes are re-implementing support for opkg as the package manager and making it run without root privileges. Ideally, it would be nice to have support for both dpkg and opkg, and both root and non-root, but botbrew-gui codebase is not really well layered and written to support that without major refactorings. So rather, this is a fork, which tears off complicated code from botbrew-gui to make it do one thing in more simple and clean way.

Note that I currently build application using provided build.xml (which includes some customizations to handle assets in sane way), so building using Maven as described below may or may not work. It's recommended to install dependent libraries manually and use build.xml for now.

Original content from botbrew-gui:



   mvn clean install