
Book API demonstrates the RESTful web services using Spring MVC. Book API performs all the CRUD operations. User can create a book, read a single book, update a book and delete a book. To communicate with database we will use Hibernate which is our ORM framework and MySQL is the database to store the records.

Primary LanguageJava

BOOK API - Spring MVC, MySQL, Hibernate Rest API Tutorial

Build Restful CRUD API for a simple Book-Manage application using Spring MVC, Mysql and Hibernate.


  1. Java - 1.8.x

  2. Maven - 3.3.9

  3. MySQL - 5.7.12

Steps to Setup

1. Clone the application

git clone https://github.com/scbushan05/book-api.git

2. Create Mysql database

create database bookdb

3. Change mysql username and password as per your installation

  • open src/main/resources/db.properties

  • change mysql.user and mysql.password as per your mysql installation

4. Build and run the app using maven

mvn package

A new WAR file will be generated at project/target/bookapi-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war, just copy and deploy to your Tomcat.

The app will start running at http://localhost:8080/bookapi/.

Explore Rest APIs

The app defines following CRUD APIs.

GET /api/book

POST /api/book

GET /api/book/{bookId}

PUT /api/book/{bookId}

DELETE /api/book/{bookId}

You can test them using postman or any other rest client.

Learn more

You can find the tutorial for this application on my blog -
