
Book Management System demonstrates the Angular 2 CRUD operations using http() service calls. User can call HTTP post() to insert the record, get() to read the single record/list of records, put() to update the record, and delete() to delete the record.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Book App

Build a Simple Angular 2 CRUD application using http

Steps to Setup

1. Clone the application

git clone https://github.com/scbushan05/angular-2-crud.git

2. Intall Angular CLI globally

npm install -g @angular/cli

3. Intall dependencies/npm modules

Go to the project directory and execute the following command from the terminal

intall npm

4. Change the REST API URL's

In the book.service.ts change the REST API URL's, i have created backend project using Spring REST, you can find it here https://github.com/scbushan05/book-api

5. Build and run the app

ng serve --open

The app will open in the default browser with http://localhost:4200/.