
CCU.IO adapter for monitoring heat pump with Luxtronik2 (Novelan, Wolf, Alpha Innotec)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


CCU.IO adapter for monitoring heat pump with Luxtronik2 (Novelan, Wolf, Alpha Innotec)

============================================================================================= Disclaimer:

!!! Never trust a software developer !!! Always be sure what you are doing!

This software is developed and tested on a Siemens/Novelan SIC-8HE heatpump. It should work with all Alpha-Innotec luxtronik 2.0 based controller. Information about luxtronik where mainly extracted from http://opendta.sourceforge.net/ Additional information was extracted from various forum threads.

============================================================================================= settings.json

CCU.IO settings

MySQL table will be created automatically if it is defined in settings and does not exist

  "enabled": true,
  "mode": "periodical",
  "period": 60,
  "firstId": 101000,
    "host": "",   => ip address of heatpump
    "port": 8888,              => should be always 8888
    "mysql":                   => remove for no mysql database
      "host": "",     => ip of mysql server
      "user": "USER",          => mysql server user name
      "pass": "PASS",          => mysql server password
      "database": "DATABASE"   => logging database name (table name is luxtronik)

============================================================================================= luxtronik2.js

main module

  • general initialisation
  • read out luxtronik spot values
  • store calculated values in rega and database

============================================================================================= tools.js

helper functions

============================================================================================= init.js

Init data types, rega and mysql database

============================================================================================= channellist.json

This files contains a description of all luxtronik 2.0 channels based on firmware 1.69

channel names and type based on http://opendta.sourceforge.net/ additional channel names where extracted from wp.jar archive of luxtronik

data format

each channel is described by name, type(, enum) like

INDEX : { "name": FRIENDLY_NAME, "type": TYPE, "dp": DATAPOINT[, "enum": ENUM_VALUES] }

INDEX - numeric index in luxtronik response

FRIENDLY_NAME - shows meaning of channel; used as MYSQL column name

TYPE - how to translate the value

"ignore" - do not use this value

"fix1" - has one decimal place (must divide by 10)

"ip" - IPv4 address

"unixtime" - unix timestamp (seconds since 01.01.1970) as ISO string

"timestamp" - leave as int32 but creates TIMESTAMP column in mysql

"enum" - use ENUM_VALUES to translate (value is index)

undefined - use value unchanged (as int32)

DATPOINT - sort channels to groups

  • "TEMPERATURE" - all temperatures (usually float (fix1) with unit "°C")
  • "OUTPUT" - output state (usually boolean value, stored as int32)
  • "INPUT" - input state (usually boolean value, stored as int32)
  • "ANALOG" - measure values (usually float (fix1) with unit "mV")
  • "COUNTER" - incremental values (usually a timespan with unit "s")
  • "TIME" - timestamps (usually reported as unix timestamp)
  • "WMZ" - calculated values based on sensor (usually with unit "kWh")
  • "ERROR" - everything belonging to error tracking,
  • "MISC" - everything else which is unknown or not sorted in other categories

============================================================================================= channeltype.json

"valtype" - HM valtype (2=boolean; 4=float; 16=int; 20=string)
"unit" - default channel unit (can be overwritten for each channel)