CCU.IO adapter for monitoring heat pump with Luxtronik2 (Novelan, Wolf, Alpha Innotec)
============================================================================================= Disclaimer:
!!! Never trust a software developer !!! Always be sure what you are doing!
This software is developed and tested on a Siemens/Novelan SIC-8HE heatpump. It should work with all Alpha-Innotec luxtronik 2.0 based controller. Information about luxtronik where mainly extracted from Additional information was extracted from various forum threads.
============================================================================================= settings.json
CCU.IO settings
MySQL table will be created automatically if it is defined in settings and does not exist
"enabled": true,
"mode": "periodical",
"period": 60,
"firstId": 101000,
"host": "", => ip address of heatpump
"port": 8888, => should be always 8888
"mysql": => remove for no mysql database
"host": "", => ip of mysql server
"user": "USER", => mysql server user name
"pass": "PASS", => mysql server password
"database": "DATABASE" => logging database name (table name is luxtronik)
============================================================================================= luxtronik2.js
main module
- general initialisation
- read out luxtronik spot values
- store calculated values in rega and database
============================================================================================= tools.js
helper functions
============================================================================================= init.js
Init data types, rega and mysql database
============================================================================================= channellist.json
This files contains a description of all luxtronik 2.0 channels based on firmware 1.69
channel names and type based on additional channel names where extracted from wp.jar archive of luxtronik
each channel is described by name, type(, enum) like
INDEX : { "name": FRIENDLY_NAME, "type": TYPE, "dp": DATAPOINT[, "enum": ENUM_VALUES] }
INDEX - numeric index in luxtronik response
FRIENDLY_NAME - shows meaning of channel; used as MYSQL column name
TYPE - how to translate the value
"ignore" - do not use this value
"fix1" - has one decimal place (must divide by 10)
"ip" - IPv4 address
"unixtime" - unix timestamp (seconds since 01.01.1970) as ISO string
"timestamp" - leave as int32 but creates TIMESTAMP column in mysql
"enum" - use ENUM_VALUES to translate (value is index)
undefined - use value unchanged (as int32)
DATPOINT - sort channels to groups
- "TEMPERATURE" - all temperatures (usually float (fix1) with unit "°C")
- "OUTPUT" - output state (usually boolean value, stored as int32)
- "INPUT" - input state (usually boolean value, stored as int32)
- "ANALOG" - measure values (usually float (fix1) with unit "mV")
- "COUNTER" - incremental values (usually a timespan with unit "s")
- "TIME" - timestamps (usually reported as unix timestamp)
- "WMZ" - calculated values based on sensor (usually with unit "kWh")
- "ERROR" - everything belonging to error tracking,
- "MISC" - everything else which is unknown or not sorted in other categories
============================================================================================= channeltype.json
"valtype" - HM valtype (2=boolean; 4=float; 16=int; 20=string)
"unit" - default channel unit (can be overwritten for each channel)