Professional Reame File generator

Git Repository

I created a git repository folder that will host the finished project. The Repository will be found here

Link to the walktrough video functionality

Application video demo

Link to the generated file

To view the generated Markdown file Click here

Task Description

I will build a readme file generator application using Node.js that will allow me to quickly and easily create a readme file for my future project . The command-line application will take the user inputs and dynamically generate the readme file.

Pseudo code description

  • WHEN npm is install and my application loaded using node
  • I am then prompted with input request
  • When i entered these input , they will be added to the relevant section of my readme file
  • When i have finished with all the input
  • The application should then generate a readme file describing my application
  • If there is any issue , i t should prompt me with an error message.

What have you done

  • Created the repository for the app in GitHub and file to describe the different building phases of the application.- I have created the gitignore file and have untracked the node_module and the .DS_Store.
  • I ran npm init and npm install to create the package.json file and the node_modules.
  • Researched the most popular licenses and Created the questions files that will be exported as a module.
  • Created the index.js file
  • I have installed all the node module require for the app and created a function to initialize the application.
  • Created the generateMarkdown file that will handle and generate the template readme file
  • Create the function that will render the License badge and License links based on the user license choice.
  • Added style to the generated readme file.


  • This is the screenshot of the final application. screenshot