An Apache Spark application (driver) aimed to generate huge Mandelbrot's Set representation by segmenting and distributing the set complex range.
It implements the simplest form the escape algorithm and the plumbing needed to distribute it in Spark tasks in a fashion that allows to confine the generation of whole 2D sectors of its representations to single machines.
The root project includes:
- The generator (mandelgen): A Spark driver which is able to generate whole sectors representation (in loseless PNG format).
- A simple image composer and image tools (viewer): Which allows visualizing the generated representation by composing the sectors into a single HTML images table mosaic.
- Geometry primitives (math): Used by the generator and the mosaic composer to build and scale images.
It is designed as as parametrized Spark application which should started through Spark's submit mechanism.
Its input parameters are used to determine:
- The exploration area: The complex range of the set to be explored and represented.
- The output total size: The aggregated size of each section of the generated representation (in pixels).
- The sector size: Each section size (in pixels).
- The maximum number of iterations for each point in the escape algorithm.
- The output directory where each executor will dump the resulting image.
The whole image generation is distributed in sections (aka sectors) to be computed as Spark partitions. These sectors are the result of a grid decomposition of the selected exploration area.
The final representation is thus provided via PNG images which get stored by each partition executor in the output directory. The output directory can be local or remote as long as it can be accessed as a file system folder from the executor. It could be, for example, a local directory or a NFS mount entry.
As mentioned above, the current design requires the generation app to be launched using spark submit. The exploration parameters and output directory are provided through the application arguments.
As a distributed Spark application, to the generator it has to be packaged within an unber jar containing its code as well as its dependencies:
git clone
cd mandelbrot_spark
sbt "project generator" assembly
This will generate the following artifact:
... which has to accessible for the worker nodes in a path which should be established in the Spark submit parametrization. e.g:
cp mandelgen/target/scala-2.11/generator-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /mnt/nfs/generator.jar
Then, we can start exploring the beautiful Mandelbrot's universe in a distributed fashion:
/LOCAL_SPARK_PATH/bin/spark-submit \
--class org.pfcoperez.sparkmandelbrot.GeneratorDriver \
--master spark://ganymede:7077 \ # Spark master selection: Standalone, yarn, mesos... even local!
--deploy-mode cluster \ # Choose "cluster" to run the driver within a Spark worker node...
# ... or "client" if you want to keep your driver running locally.
/mnt/nfs/generator.jar \ # Location of the application.
--from "(-2.5,-1)" --to "(1,1)" \ # Exploration range
-i 3500 \ # Maximum number of iterations of the escape algorithm
-s "(18900,10800)" \ # Mosaic total size (w,h) in pixels
--sectorsize "(1890,1080)" \ # Tile/Sector size
/mnt/nfs/results/wholefractal # Folder where the representation of each tile will be stored.
The command above will start out Spark application within the cluster, thus allowing us to halt our laptop, go to home, drink some beers and check the results of out computation the day after its launch. ( as long as your Spark cluster isn't your laptop ;-) )
The fact that this generator dumps its results in tiles, called sectors, matching a given grid is the secret behind being able to generate images within the same machine and, therefore, behind providing a shuffle free distributed algorithm.
As the application uses a custom partitioner for K-V RDDs where K is (Int, Int)
and represents a pixel in the whole resulting image, it is possible to use foreachPartition
as way of consolidating contiguous areas into a single output file.
override def numPartitions: Int = {
val sectorArea: Long = sectorSize.productIterator.reduce[Any] {
case (a: Int, b: Int) => a.toLong*b.toLong
override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = key match {
case (x: Int, y: Int) =>
val asLongPairSectorSize = (sectorSize._1.toLong, sectorSize._2.toLong)
val p = Pixel(x, y)
sector(p, asLongPairSectorSize)(pixelFrame).toInt
Therefore, each sector resides in a single partition so the application will create as many partitions as sectors are. Namely, as many partitions as:
// w = Whole image width
// h = Whole image height
// sw = Sector width
// sh = Sector height
val nPartitions = (w*h)/(sw*sh)