
Add update time for each of your docsify markdown

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm NPM

Add update time for each of your docsify markdown (English/中文).


add js CDN to index.html

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsify-updated/src/time-updater.min.js"></script>


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsify-updated/src/time-updater.js"></script>


Add javasript to index.html, and you can modify the content of the text field arbitrarily

window.$docsify = {
  timeUpdater: {
    text: ">last update time: {docsify-updated}",
    formatUpdated: "{YYYY}/{MM}/{DD}",
    whereToPlace: "bottom",  // "top" or "bottom", default to "bottom"


window.$docsify = {
  timeUpdater: {
    text: ">最后更新时间: {docsify-updated}",
    formatUpdated: "{YYYY}/{MM}/{DD}",
    whereToPlace: "bottom",  // "top" or "bottom", default to "bottom"


Field Describe Detail
text label style to show text stores the style and content before the formatUpdated
formatUpdated updated time format and it's suffix formatUpdated stores time formated and it's suffix, eg. {YYYY}/{MM}/{DD} by Author
whereToPlace where the label is placed "top" or "bottom", default to "bottom"

Time Patterns

please see https://github.com/lukeed/tinydate#patterns

  • {YYYY}: full year; eg: 2017
  • {YY}: short year; eg: 17
  • {MM}: month; eg: 04
  • {DD}: day; eg: 01
  • {HH}: hours; eg: 06 (24h)
  • {mm}: minutes; eg: 59
  • {ss}: seconds; eg: 09
  • {fff}: milliseconds; eg: 555


modify timeUpdater.text to nest HTML

window.$docsify = {
  timeUpdater: {
    text: "<div align='center'>last update time: {docsify-updated}</div>",
    formatUpdated: "{YYYY}/{MM}/{DD}",



window.$docsify = {
  timeUpdater: {
    text: "<div align='center' width='200px' style='color:gray;font-size:10px'>-------------- 最后更新时间:&emsp;{docsify-updated} --------------</div>",
    formatUpdated: "{YYYY} 年 {MM} 月 {DD} 日",



choose where to place it by timeUpdater.whereToPlace

window.$docsify = {
  timeUpdater: {
    text: "<div align='center' width='200px' style='color:gray;font-size:10px'>-------------- 最后更新时间:&emsp;{docsify-updated} --------------</div>",
    formatUpdated: "{YYYY}/{MM}/{DD}",
    whereToPlace: "top"  // "top" or "bottom", default to "bottom"



1. Modify a single document, all document updated time has been modified?

In the process of using any CI/CD method, if you automatically pull the git documentation and deploy docsify, you may encounter the .md file update time is set to the CI/CD time of git clone your_repo during this process.

This will cause the plugin to display the wrong time when the file is updated (the plugin's display time is the last update time of each file).

Repair method

It is recommended to use git to fix file update times during deployment of docsify documentation (automatically or manually).

For example to manually deploy the document:

# clone repo
git clone https://github.com/your_repo.git

# cd dir
cd your_repo_dir

# repair file update time
git ls-files | while read file; do touch -d $(git log -1 --format="@%ct" "$file") "$file"; done

# Start the docsify service
docsify serve docs/

Various Styles

demo: english

window.$docsify = {
  timeUpdater: {
    text: ">Last Modify: {docsify-updated}",
    formatUpdated: "{YYYY}/{MM}/{DD}",


demo: chinese

window.$docsify = {
  timeUpdater: {
    text: ">最后更新时间: {docsify-updated}",
    formatUpdated: "{YYYY}/{MM}/{DD}",


demo: another style

window.$docsify = {
  timeUpdater: {
    text: "---\nlast update time: {docsify-updated}",
    formatUpdated: "{YYYY}/{MM}/{DD}",


demo: bottom left

window.$docsify = {
  timeUpdater: {
    text: "<div align='left' width='200px' style='color:gray;font-size:16px'>Posted @ {docsify-updated}</div>",
    formatUpdated: "{YYYY}-{MM}-{DD} {HH}:{mm}",
