Wrapper over the json_dynamic_widget Dart/Flutter library.
This library provides Widgets that are capable of building themselves from JSON structures.
Json Dynamic Widget library
Recently I have been looking a way to write mobile apps in the most convenient possible way (me, a backend developer). Flutter looked promising and hype enough, so I've pursued to learn it, although there is no way to write it from Clojure... yet. Dart looks verbose, but it seems had to do its job.
After some loooooong couple hours, I was not happy with it. Asked in the Brazilian Clojure Telegram group how people in Nubank were using this in conjuction with their Clojure backend, they must have some secret, right?
In fact they had, Eric Dallo works there and told us that they use Clojure in the backend to build the screens and Flutter is mostly the presentation layer. I wonder how this worked and if there was some kind of library already for doing it, was it something the community was working on?
Yes, it was, json_dynamic_widget is one of the options. Although I guess Nubank itself does not rely on it as it seems wasteful in resources.
Take a look at the library repo explanation, but for TLDR, it lets you build widgets dynamically with JSON. Add some dart code and the core of your app can be described in your backend (following the Server Side Rendering or Server Driver UI approach (software is a pendulum!) which you also can find in other frameworks, e.g. React Native).
The widgets are maps with some top-level keys (e.g. :type
) and, using EDN, you can describe a widget in the
following way (the example below is a a centered card with its front
over the back).
{:type :scaffold,
{:type :center,
[{:type :column,
:args {:mainAxisAlignment :center},
[{:type :asset_image,
:args {:name "images/card/card-front.png"}}
{:type :asset_image,
:args {:name "images/card/card-back.png"}}]}]}}}
It's a little bit verbose (but very descriptive) and I would also have to refer to the original docs (for the original Flutter widgets or in the library documentation), there was no convenient way know what I could do upfront and which were the available options/arguments for a given widget.
So the goals are to create convenience and to have minimal documentation when writing code, this is what this library tries to address.
Require (require '[com.pfeodrippe.dinamico.core :as dn])
Using the example from our last section, we would have the equivalent code as
(ns my-app
[com.pfeodrippe.dinamico.core :as dn]))
(defn flutter-app
{:mainAxisAlignment :center}
[(dn/asset-image {:name "images/card/card-front.png"})
(dn/asset-image {:name "images/card/card-back.png"})]))}))
It seems almost the same, but the good thing is that now things are reified, they are not only data, you can inspect them.
For example, there is a dn/-doc
to inspect the whole schema (in Malli).
(dn/-doc dn/column)
;; =>
{:optional true}
[:ref :com.pfeodrippe.dinamico.core/text_baseline]]
Or you can check the available args, just check the docs/arglits of your
function, example from Emacs + Cider below for the dn/column
[{:keys [crossAxisAlignment mainAxisAlignment mainAxisSize textBaseline textDirection verticalDirection]} child-or-children]
Not documented.
Definition location unavailable.
Or you can check a given arg (which is one key from the arglist) using
the 2-arity version of dn/-doc
(dn/-doc dn/column :mainAxisAlignment)
;; =>
{:registry {}}
[:enum :center :end :spaceAround :spaceBetween :spaceEvenly :start]]
;; It also accepts nested keys (best effort)!
(-dn/doc dn/decorated-box :decoration :boxShadow :blurStyle)
;; =>
[:schema {:registry {}} [:enum :inner :normal :outer :solid]]
First you need to add some Dart code to handle the JSON data that arrives
from the backend, refer to the
main-dev.dart file and use it as your
To build your Clojure server you can use anything, let's use
+ reitit
here, see the deps below (leiningen style).
;; Json.
[metosin/jsonista "0.3.5"]
;; Routes.
[metosin/reitit "0.5.13"]
;; Server.
[ring/ring "1.9.4"]
[http-kit/http-kit "2.5.3"]
[metosin/muuntaja "0.6.8"]
Then the server code can be
(ns my-app
[com.pfeodrippe.dinamico.core :as dn]
[jsonista.core :as json]
[clj-http.client :as http]
[muuntaja.core :as m]
[org.httpkit.server :refer [run-server]]
[reitit.ring :as ring]
[reitit.ring.coercion :as rrc]
[reitit.ring.middleware.muuntaja :as muuntaja]))
(defn- flu
{:status 200
:body m})
(defn- bars
{:height 500}
{:scrollDirection :horizontal}
{:style {:foregroundColor {:pressed "FF2196F3"
:focused "FF2196F3"
:empty "FFF44336"}}
:onPressed "${simplePrintMessage('olha')}"}
(dn/text {:text "Button"}))]
(->> ["#FF00FF" "#FFFF00"]
(mapv #(dn/container {:width 160 :color %})))
[(dn/text {:text "Eita"})
(dn/container {:width 160 :color #"FF0000"})]))]))
(defn- input
{:padding [50 0 50 0]}
{::dn/id :text-1
{:icon (dn/icon
{:icon {:codePoint 57704
:fontFamily "MaterialIcons"
:size 50}})
:onPressed "${set_value('text-1','')}"})}})))))
(defn flutter-app
{:mainAxisAlignment :center}
(defn flutter-app-get
;; We use the var version for hot reload without the need to restart
;; the server.
(flu (#'flutter-app)))
(defn routes
[["/flutter-app" {:get flutter-app-get}]])
(defn app
{:data {:components components
:muuntaja m/instance
:middleware [muuntaja/format-middleware
{:path "/"})
{:not-found (constantly {:status 404 :body "Not found"})}))))
;; Restart or init the server.
(when (resolve 'server)
(eval '(server)))
(def server (run-server (app {}) {:join? false
:port 3001}))
See above that we use ::dn/id
to set a id for the input, which we
refer and erase erased when you press the icon-button
(which is a
). You can use the same approach for any other top-level option
which json_dynamic_widget
accepts (e.g. ::dn/id
for id
as you
have seen or ::dn/listen
for listen
Start your REPL and hot reload as you do in Clojure (for development purposes, the mobile app should be fetching the dynamic widget every 200 ms), you don't need to evaluate the whole buffer again, just start the server once and you are good.
has its schemas available in the json-schema
format, so we had to create a json-schema parser (based on
These schemas were converted to Malli (to be used as the source of truth) and then we have created a schemas.edn that is bundled into the library.
When you use Dinâmico, it reads schemas.edn
once and dynamically creates the
vars that you can use to create beautiful Flutter apps from Clojure.