
A small library to help writing TLA+ operators in Clojure and converting TLA+ (TLC) values to/from EDN

Primary LanguageClojureOtherNOASSERTION


A small library to write TLA+ (TLC) Operators and to convert TLA+ values to/from EDN data.


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file

Clojars Project


It's not ready for production (and maybe never will), but you should use it only for testing anyway.


Check an example here.

Overriding operators

Let's say you have one TLA+ operator called Inc which you would like to override using Clojure.

(* module "Incrementer", this name is important as it will be referenced later *)
Inc(n) == n + 1

The required steps are the following, you create a overriding operator with defoperator. Please, add the folder classes to your project file classpath (project.clj or deps.edn or boot.clj).

(ns my-ns.core
   [tla-edn.core :as tla-edn]
   [tla-edn.spec :as spec]))

(spec/defop Inc {:module "Incrementer"}
  (-> (tla-edn/to-edn x)

defop makes use of gen-class, so at first time you run it, the operators will be compiled, then any change is automatically loaded when run again.

(defn -main
  ;; this will run the TLA+ spec with its config file
  (spec/run-spec "path/to/Incrementer.tla" "Incrementer.cfg")
  (System/exit 0))

Then from the terminal

;; assuming you are using `deps.edn`
$ clj -A:test -m my-ns.core # this will compile (just at first time)
# OK
$ clj -A:test -m my-ns.core
# TLA+ output (it will run the spec with the overrides, hopefully)

Converting Data

(require '[tla-edn.core :as tla-edn])
;; converting from edn to TLA+ values
 (tla-edn/to-tla-value [{:a 3}
                        #{"look" '(1 2)}
                        [[#{{"b" {:c #{6 4 5}}}}]]]))

;; => "<<[a |-> 3], 2, {<<1, 2>>, \"look\"}, <<<<{[b |-> [c |-> {4, 5, 6}]]}>>>>>>"

;; converting from TLA+ values to edn (metadata is created so you can refer to the original TLA type)
(import '(tlc2.value.impl Value IntValue RecordValue BoolValue FcnRcdValue
                    StringValue TupleValue SetEnumValue BoolValue)
        '(util UniqueString))
(let [tla-value (RecordValue.
                 (into-array UniqueString [(UniqueString/uniqueStringOf "eita")])
                 (into-array Value
                             [(TupleValue. (into-array Value [(IntValue/gen 4)
                                                              (IntValue/gen 100)]))])
  (binding [*print-meta* true]
    (prn (tla-edn/to-edn tla-value))))

;; => ^{:tla-plus-type tlc2.value.impl.RecordValue}
;;    {"eita" ^{:tla-plus-type tlc2.value.impl.TupleValue}
;;            (4 100)}

You can extend the protocol tla_edn.core.TLAPlusEdn for conversion to edn data.

;; example of extension
(extend-protocol TLAPlusEdn
  (to-edn [v]
    (.getVal v)))

You can create a defmethod for tla-edn.core/to-tla-value for conversion from edn data.

;; example of dispatch using defmethod for tla-edn
(defmethod to-tla-value Boolean
  (BoolValue. v))

Thanks to

The people working at https://github.com/tlaplus/tlaplus =D