JDK 22+ is required.
Sample games for Vybe (https://github.com/pfeodrippe/vybe).
# This will put the dynamic libs in the right place and start raylib in the main thread,
# open the REPL and call call the `init` function inside `leo.clj`.
# Linux (x64)
clj -M:linux -m vybe.native.loader && clj -M:linux -m vybe.raylib
# Mac (Universal)
clj -M:osx -m vybe.native.loader && clj -M:osx -m vybe.raylib
# Windows (x64)
clj -M:win -m vybe.native.loader && clj -M:win -m vybe.raylib
If you want to test it using the local vybe project, append :dev
to the
aliases (e.g. for Mac, we would have clj -M:osx:dev -m vybe.native.loader && clj -M:osx:dev -m vybe.raylib
clj -T:build uber
# -- OSX
rm -rf target/classes && jpackage --java-options '-XstartOnFirstThread' --java-options '--enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED' -i target -n leo --main-class leo --main-jar leo-0.1.0-standalone.jar
# -- Linux or Windows
rm -rf target/classes && jpackage --java-options '--enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED' -i target -n leo --main-class leo --main-jar leo-0.1.0-standalone.jar