
A truly free, libre, and open source Chinese-English dictionary

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Pinyinbase is a truly free, libre and open source Chinese-English dictionary that comprises bilingual glossaries in backwards-compatible CEDICT files.


  • Pinyinbase is free software.
  • Pinyinbase is a truly free, libre, and open source Chinese-English dictionary.
  • Pinyinbase is a distributed lexicographic knowledge base designed to compiled in unlimited ways.
  • Pinyinbase is designed to be a Chinese-English dictionary starter set, so you are not starting from scratch.
  • Pinyinbase is comprised of Chinese-English vocab lists (bilingual glossaries) that are backwards-compatibility CEDICT files.
  • Pinyinbase content is released to the public domain.




Here is the workflow for Pinyinbase dictionary deployment:

  1. Create or edit vocab lists.
  2. Collect and combine the vocab lists into an organized data source.
  3. Use the Pinyinbase dictionary outfile in apps.

Pinyinbase Vs. CC-CEDICT

  • Pinyinbase is NOT a CEDICT (or CC-CEDICT) fork.
  • Pinyinbase uses CEDICT-formatted source files. That is where the similarities end.
    • The CEDICT files make it much easier for backwards-compatibility with legacy software.
  • Pinyinbase builds content based on vocab lists, not random submissions.
  • Pinyinbase provides definition-level or list-level control of Chinese-English dictionary content.

Custom Chinese-English Dictionary Design

When it comes to Chinese-English dictionaries, one size does not fit all.

A Chinese-English dictionary in one context may be wholly inappropriate (or even illegal) in another.

Pinyinbase solves this problem by providing you complete control over dictionary entries to avoid uncomfortable, unsuitable, unsafe and (in some cases) illegal content.

Pinyinbase is designed to:

  • Provide complete control of what content is added to your custom Chinese-English dictionary.
  • Provide a Chinese-English dictionary set to be modified for your needs.
  • Empower parents, teachers or clergy to specify acceptable content.
  • Help developers comply with local laws, regarding suitable content for audiences and jurisdictions.
  • Facilitate responsive development changes with a simple build-from-source tool.
  • Reconcile risk management priorities while limiting exposure for your project or organization.

Case Studies

  • Google AdSense is considered family-safe and Google's Publisher Policy clearly defines prohibited content. When you use content from a "community-maintained" dictionary, you may be putting your revenue stream, your brand or your organization at risk. Pinyinbase lets you control exactly which entries you add to your Chinese-English dictionary to keep your web site or mobile app family-safe.

  • Good localization requires good understanding of local laws. Local limitations on free speech determine which content should be excluded from your custom Chinese-English dictionary. Pinyinbase makes it easy to eliminate entire categories of entries, which may reduce your risk profile in these markets.

  • Pinyinbase is powerful pinyin in your pocket dictionary. Extending your brand to feature phones in emerging markets is not possible with a giant database dump. You need a dictionary with the right words for the right user. Pinyinbase helps you to build a small but useful Chinese-English dictionary, optimized for markets where a mobile phone is the primary platform.

Bilingual Chinese-English Glossaries

  • Pinyinbase glossaries are CEDICT-formatted text files.
    • This format is backwards-compatible with legacy software.
    • CEDICT-formatted text files have wide library support across many languages.
    • Familiar format reduces cost of use or ownership for developers and end-users.
  • Each glossary contains a domain-specific vocabulary list of entries.
  • Each entry contains a Traditional Chinese field, a Simplified Chinese field, a Hanyu Pinyin field, and a definition field.
  • Learn more about CEDICT Syntax.

Search Pinyinbase with GitHub

  • GitHub provides a powerful code search tool.
  • Looking for specific words? Try green tea.


The Pffy Authors · 2022