
View and debug LTI requests within the browser

Primary LanguageTypeScript

View & debug LTI requests from within the developer tools

This plugin adds a "Lti Debugger" pane in the developer tools which listens for LTI requests, and displays them as they resolve. It also parses JWT parameters, and displays them as navigable JSON.


screenshot of the LTI Debugger extension

Local Development

yarn install
yarn build
yarn start

Local manual installation

  1. Use scripts/build.sh to build the archive for your browser:
./scripts/build.sh "firefox" # for firefox
./scripts/build.sh "chrome" # for chrome
  1. Install the plugin:

For chrome: A. Navigate to chrome://extensions/ in chrome B. Enable "Developer Mode" C. Click "Load Unpacked" and navigate to lti-debugger/dist

For Firefox A. Navigate to about:debugging in firefox B. Click "This Firefox" -> "Load Temporary Add-on" C. Choose lti-debugger/pkg/firefox/lti-debugger-{version}.zip