An Elixir wrapper for the api of Deutsche Bahn Fahrplan API
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding bahn_ex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:bahn_ex, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
To access the api one needs an api key from Deutsche Bahn. Either you write an request via Email or you could register at the Bahn Developer Portal and retrieve on api key there. Once you got an api key add it to the config like so:
Make a file in
Fill it with the following content
use Mix.Config config :bahn_ex, api_key: "your api key here"
Or define the enviroment variable BAHNEX_API_KEY
Use the documentation at hexdocs or this file.
Please check the api documentation or use the help command inside iex
Get the location for Köln:
iex(1)> BahnEx.get_location("Köln")
Get the arrival board for Dresden at 2017-08-23T19:00:00Z
iex(1)> BahnEx.arrival_board(8010085, "2017-08-23T19:00:00Z")
[%BahnEx.Train{boardId: 8010085, dateTime: #DateTime<2017-08-23 19:35:00Z>,
detailsId: "304116%2F104694%2F528716%2F162986%2F80%3fstation_evaId%3D8010085",
name: "ICE 1653", origin: "Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbf", stopId: 8010085,
stopName: "Dresden Hbf", track: "3", type: "ICE"},
%BahnEx.Train{boardId: 8010085, dateTime: #DateTime<2017-08-23 20:36:00Z>,
detailsId: "521202%2F179326%2F919084%2F285808%2F80%3fstation_evaId%3D8010085",
name: "IC 2047", origin: "Dortmund Hbf", stopId: 8010085,
stopName: "Dresden Hbf", track: "1", type: "IC"}]
Get the departure board for Dresden at 2017-08-23T19:00:00Z
iex(1)> BahnEx.arrival_board(8010085, "2017-08-23T19:00:00Z")
[%BahnEx.Train{boardId: 8010085, dateTime: #DateTime<2017-08-23 19:35:00Z>,
detailsId: "304116%2F104694%2F528716%2F162986%2F80%3fstation_evaId%3D8010085",
name: "ICE 1653", origin: "Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbf", stopId: 8010085,
stopName: "Dresden Hbf", track: "3", type: "ICE"},
%BahnEx.Train{boardId: 8010085, dateTime: #DateTime<2017-08-23 20:36:00Z>,
detailsId: "521202%2F179326%2F919084%2F285808%2F80%3fstation_evaId%3D8010085",
name: "IC 2047", origin: "Dortmund Hbf", stopId: 8010085,
stopName: "Dresden Hbf", track: "1", type: "IC"}]
Get the journey information for EC 171
from Dresden to Prague:
iex(1)> BahnEx.journey_details("475620%252F175342%252F176320%252F70380%252F80%253fstation_evaId%253D8010085")
[%BahnEx.TrainLoc{arrTime: nil, depTime: ~T[07:03:00], lat: "52.525589",
lon: "13.369549", operator: "DPN", stopId: 8098160,
stopName: "Berlin Hbf (tief)", train: "EC 171", type: "EC"},
%BahnEx.TrainLoc{arrTime: ~T[07:08:00], depTime: ~T[07:10:00],
lat: "52.475043", lon: "13.365315", operator: "DPN", stopId: 8011113,
stopName: "Berlin Südkreuz", train: "EC 171", type: "EC"}]
Please use the issue traker at github to file issues. If you could I really like to have a pull request.
Feel free to make a pull request.
BahnEx is licensed under the MIT license.