
A cluster server in go-lang

Primary LanguageGo


A simple cluster server package for golang. The library uses ZeroMQ bindings for golang (https://github.com/pebbe/zmq4).


To install the package in your GOPATH just run the following command:

$ go get github.com/pforpallav/cluster-server


To use the library in your go-code import the package by adding this import line

import cluster "github.com/pforpallav/cluster-server"

Now you can access the interfaces, structs and functions by through cluster namespace.


func AddPeer

func AddPeer(id int, config string) Server

id - Peer's id
config - .json file with configuration (sample file is config.json)

Starts a new peer in the cluster. The peer listens to address corresponding to the id mentioned in the config file. Returns a Server object.

type Server

type Server interface

Pid() int - Return self's Pid in the cluster.
Peers() []int - Return id's to all the peers in the cluster.
Outbox() chan *Envelope - Return the channel for outbox.
Inbox() chan *Envelope - Return the channel for inbox.

An interface to access basic information of the server.

type Envelope

type Envelope struct

Pid int - The Pid of the peer from/to which the message was recieved/sent.
MsgId int64 - Unique message id.
Msg interface{} - Actual message.

Sample Test

<src folder> $ go test

Testing with five servers. Multiple messages sent between themselves. Check for count. Check for message content.