UPDATE: This repo is no longer under development!! please check github.com/pforret/bashew for a more modern version of this project
It's like a mini console framework for bash shell scripting.
Just use one of 4 methods to generate a new script, that has all the functionality to
one self-contained file, no external dependencies
parse options and parameters
generate clean usage
run in silent/quiet or verbose mode
create and clean up temporary folder/files
better error reporting
Bash CI (Github Actions)
self-initialisation for new scripts (
script.sh init
)flag|h|help|show usage flag|q|quiet|no output flag|v|verbose|output more flag|f|force|do not ask for confirmation option|l|logd|folder for log files |log option|t|tmpd|folder for temp files|.tmp param|1|action|action to perform: LIST/TEST/... param|1|output|output file # there can only be 1 param|n and it should be the last param|n|inputs|input files
Program: script.sh by @email
Version: @version (L:591-MD:6523f7)
Updated: Jul 31 20:07:24 2020
Usage: script.sh [-h] [-q] [-v] [-f] [-l <logd>] [-t <tmpd>] <action> <output> <inputs …>
Flags, options and parameters:
-h|--help : [flag] show usage [default: off]
-q|--quiet : [flag] no output [default: off]
-v|--verbose : [flag] output more [default: off]
-f|--force : [flag] do not ask for confirmation (always yes) [default: off]
-l|--logd <val>: [optn] folder for log files [default: log]
-t|--tmpd <val>: [optn] folder for temp files [default: .tmp]
<action> : [parameter] action to perform: init/list/test/...
<output> : [parameter] output file
<inputs> : [parameters] input files (1 or more)
* use out to show any kind of output, except when option --quiet is specified
out "User is [$USER]"
* use progress to show one line of progress that will be overwritten by the next output
progress "Now generating file $nb of $total ..."
* use is_empty and is_not_empty to test for variables
if is_empty "$email" ; then ; echo "Need Email!" ; fi
* use die to show error message and exit program
if [[ ! -f $output ]] ; then ; die "could not create output" ; fi
* use alert to show alert message but continue
if [[ ! -f $output ]] ; then ; alert "could not create output" ; fi
* use success to show success message but continue
if [[ -f $output ]] ; then ; success "output was created!" ; fi
* use announce to show the start of a task
announce "now generating the reports"
* use log to show information that will only be visible when -v is specified
log "input file: [$inputname] - [$inputsize] MB"
* use escape to extra escape '/' paths in regex
sed 's/$(escape $path)//g'
* use lcase and ucase to convert to upper/lower case
param=$(lcase $param)
* use confirm for interactive confirmation before doing something
if ! confirm "Delete file"; then ; echo "skip deletion" ; fi
* use ask for interactive setting of variables
ask NAME "What is your name" "Peter"
* use on_mac/on_linux/'on_32bit'/'on_64bit' to only run things on certain platforms
on_mac && log "Running on MacOS"
* use folder_prep to create a folder if needed and otherwise clean up old files
folder_prep "$logd" 7 # delete all files olders than 7 days
- v1.7: all editable content to the front of the file
- v1.6: introduce semver versioning, Bash CI
- v1.5: fixed last shellcheck warnings - https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck
- v1.4: fix md5sum problem, add script authoring tips, automated README creation
- v1.3: robuster parameter parsing
- v1.2: better error trap and versioning info
- v1.1: better single and multi param parsing
- v1.0: first release
git clone https://github.com/pforret/bash-boilerplate.git
cp bash-boilerplate/script.sh my-new-script.sh
go to https://github.com/pforret/bash-boilerplate - press "Use this template"
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pforret/bash-boilerplate/master/script.sh
mv script.sh my-new-script.sh
go to toolstud.io/data/bash.php
These scripts were made with some version of bash-boilerplate
- github.com/pforret/crontask
- github.com/pforret/networkcheck
- github.com/cinemapub/signage_prep
- send me your example repos!
I learned a lot of tips from these sources:
- Daniel Mills, e36freak
- Kfir Lavi www.kfirlavi.com
- Aaron Maxwell redsymbol.net
- Bash Variables gnu.org