
Primary LanguageCoffeeScript



meteor npm install

Kondata environment variables

  • KONECTY_MODE: Can be production or development
  • KONDATA_ADMIN_USERNAME: first user's username (default admin)
  • KONDATA_ADMIN_EMAIL: first user's email (default contact@konecty.com)
  • KONDATA_ADMIN_PASSWORD: first user's password (default admin)
  • KONDATA_ADMIN_NAME: first user's name (default Administrator)
  • KONDATA_ADMIN_LOCALE: first user's locale (default en)
  • BLOB_URL: the URL where blob is running

Konmeta environment variables

  • KONMETA_DB_URL: specifies the external DB from where metaobjects must be read
  • KONMETA_UPDATE_SECRET: the value to validate an update request against the x-konmeta-secret request header
  • KONMETA_NAMESPACE: sets the current namespace which will receive meta updates

Konsistent environment variables

  • DISABLE_KONSISTENT: can be to true if you don't want Konsistent to run on the same process as Kondata. It's enabled by default.
  • DEFAULT_SMTP_HOST: SMTP host for default email sender (required)
  • DEFAULT_SMTP_PORT: SMTP port for default email sender (required)
  • DEFAULT_SMTP_USERNAME: SMTP username for default email sender (required)
  • DEFAULT_SMTP_PASSWORD: SMTP password for default email sender (required)
  • DEFAULT_SMTP_SECURE: SMTP secure flag for default email sender
  • DEFAULT_SMTP_TLS: SMTP tls flag for default email sender
  • DEFAULT_SMTP_IGNORE_TLS: SMTP config ignoreTLS for nodemailer, if this is true and secure is false then TLS is not used even if the server supports STARTTLS extension
  • DEFAULT_SMTP_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED: SMTP config tls.rejectUnauthorized for nodemailer, config would open a connection to TLS server with self-signed or invalid TLS certificate
  • DEFAULT_SMTP_AUTH_METHOD: SMTP config authMethod for nodemailer, defines preferred authentication method, defaults to ‘PLAIN’
  • DEFAULT_SMTP_DEBUG: SMTP config debug for nodemailer, if set to true, then logs SMTP traffic, otherwise logs only transaction events

How to run on Docker

docker pull konecty/konecty
docker run --name kondata -p 3000:3000 --link mongo --env MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongo:27017/konecty --env MONGO_OPLOG_URL=mongodb://mongo:27017/local konecty/konecty


Examples of REST usage can be found here: REST


  • KONDATA only log requests when status code of the response isn't 200 (OK).

Enable/Disable logs for all requests

kill -s SIGUSR2 PidID


kill -s SIGUSR2 24502