
SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert

Primary LanguageAssembly


SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert

SLAE 7 Assigments:

  1. Create a Shell_Bind_TCP shellcode

    • Binds to a port
    • Execs shell on incoming connection
    • Port number should be easily configurable
  2. Create a Shell_Reverse_TCP shellcode

    • Reverse connects to configured IP and Port
    • Execs shell on successful connection
    • IP and port should be easily configurable
  3. Create Egg Hunter Shellcode

    • Study about Egg Hunter shellcode
    • Create a working demo of the Egghunter
    • Should be configurable for different payloads
  4. Create Custom Encoder Shellcode

    • Create custom encoding shceme like "Insertion Encoder"
    • PoC with using execve-stack as the shellcode to encode your schema and execute
  5. Analyze at least 3 Msfpayload Shellcode samples

    • Examine linux/x86 samples
    • Use GDB/Ndisasm/Libemu to dissect the functionality
  6. Create 3 Polymorphic versions of Shellcode samples from Shell-Storm

    • Should beat pattern matching
    • Cannot be larger than 150% of the original sample shellcode
    • Bonus points for making it smaller
  7. Create a custom Crypter Shellcode

    • Can use existing or original encryption schema
    • Can use any programming language to demo

Blog Posts must contain SLAE-XXXXX (Student ID: PA-1065)