
A Chromium "clone" of It's All Text for spawning an editor to edit text areas in browsers. Based on David Hilley's original Chromium extension.

Primary LanguageEmacs LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Emacs Chrome is an extension for Google's Chrome(ium) browser family
that allows you to edit text areas on your browser in a more full
featured editor. It does this by sending an XMLHttp request to an edit
server (see servers/ directory) which spawns and edit process which
eventually sends the updated text back to the browser.

I use it to edit pages using Emacs although there is no reason why
other editors could not be spawned from the various scripts.


Dave Hilley [1] wrote the original proof of concept that showed it
could be done. I [2] then hacked around with the Javascript to make
the behaviour more like the classic It's All Text add-on available to

[1] http://www.thegibson.org/blog/archives/689
[2] http://www.bennee.com/~alex


David Hilley
Alex Bennee
Riccardo Murri


The extension is licensed under the GPL Version 3.


In the spirit of FLOSS software patches are always welcome.
Development of this extension is hosted on github at:
