Copy of the Typesafe getting started tutorial for Typesafe 1.1 which calculates Pi using Leibniz formula for Pi and the “embarrassingly parallel” algorithm see: and You will need SBT 0.7.7 to run this see run the following in the project after cloning it: sbt update run [info] Building project Typesafe-Pi 1.0 against Scala 2.9.1 [info] using TutorialOneProject with sbt 0.7.7 and Scala 2.7.7 > update [info] [info] == update == [info] :: retrieving :: Scala Code Hackers Inc#typesafe-pi_2.9.1 [sync] [info] confs: [compile, runtime, test, provided, system, optional, sources, javadoc] [info] 0 artifacts copied, 1 already retrieved (0kB/63ms) [info] == update == [success] Successful. [info] [info] Total time: 2 s, completed 08-Dec-2011 13:18:15 > run [info] [info] == compile == [info] Source analysis: 0 new/modified, 0 indirectly invalidated, 0 removed. [info] Compiling main sources... [info] Nothing to compile. [info] Post-analysis: 18 classes. [info] == compile == [info] [info] == copy-resources == [info] == copy-resources == [info] [info] == run == [info] Running akka.tutorial.first.scala.Pi Pi estimate: 3.1415926435897887 Calculation time: 3461 millis [info] == run == [success] Successful. [info] [info] Total time: 6 s, completed 08-Dec-2011 13:18:21 >