
Script status backuppc jobs to influxdb

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

BackupPC push to Influxdb

langage pg3.io Apache 2.0 Licence

Script status backuppc jobs to influxdb.


  • Install requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Settings script

  • Move files notify.py and config.py in /usr/local/share/
  • write influxdb access
INFLUXDB_USER="influxdb username"
INFLUXDB_PASSWORD="influxdb password"
INFLUXDB_HOSTNAME="influxdb hostname"
INFLUXDB_PORT="influxdb port"
DATABASE_NAME="database name"

Settings BackupPC

Add in BackupPC Edit config > Backup Settings

In DumpPreUserCmd and DumpPostUserCmd

/usr/local/share/notify.py --xferok $xferOK --host $host --type $type --client $client --user $user --moreusers $moreUsers --hostip $hostIP --share $share --xfermethod $XferMethod --sshpath $sshPath --cmdtype $cmdType


Licence projet Apache 2.0 for details LICENSE.

Informations sur l'auteur

This project was created by PG3 in January 2021.