
Curated list of blogs that every SRE/DevOps Enthusiast should follow to progress further into their career.

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Blogs that every SRE/DevOps/Platform Engineer enthusiasts should follow

This repository is an attempt to consolidate useful blogs for a SRE/DevOps Enthusiasts


Before you contribute, please think about these three questions:

  • Are you impressed by the depth of information and amount of details shown ?

  • Are you impressed by the level of ingenuity ?

  • Is their blog your go-to-blog when you need to do certain tasks ? ( eg: My go to blog for anything ansible is https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog )

If your answer to these is yes, then yay, we got a jackpot. Add 'em.

Also, please take a look at the contribution guidelines first.

Contributions are always welcome!

Companies tech blogs

Individual people's blogs