

Primary LanguageGo

Reading configuration from yaml file


go run cmd/main.go


When using viper.AutomaticEnv(), it checks for env variables of the same key and if its defined the overrides it with the value from env variable. viper.AutomaticEnv() is case sensitive. it checks for environment varible but uppercased verison i.e if you want to override environment in config file you need to set export ENVIRONMENT="PROD" in your shell.


For nested yaml file, viper needs to replace . with _ and you need to set environment variable like this

For example

if you configuration is like this

  host: "localhost"
  port: 9090

viper looks for SERVER.PORT but since shell does not support dot format for environment variables, we transform it to dash format using

viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer(., _))

and if you want to override port, then your environment variable should be export SERVER_PORT=9999"