
Easily handle Storyblok images

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🖼️ Storyblok Images

Resize and use all the storyblok images service operations easily.


Install the package using npm...

npm install --save storyblok-images

or yarn

yarn add storyblok-images

Basic example

import storyblokImages from 'storyblok-images'

const resizedImage = storyblokImages({
  url: 'https://a.storyblok.com/f/39898/3310x2192/e4ec08624e/demo-image.jpeg', // Image uploaded to Storyblok
  size: {
    // Resize to
    width: 200,
    height: 300,

// resizedImage = https://img2.storyblok.com/200x300/f/39898/3310x2192/e4ec08624e/demo-image.jpeg

The configuration object

The configuration object accepts the following values:

Field Required Type Default Example
url true String https://a.storyblok.com/f/39898/3310x2192/e4ec08624e/demo-image.jpeg
size false {width: Number, height: Number} { width: 100, height: 200 }
fitIn false Boolean false false
fill false String '' 'cccccc'
format false String. Valid values: 'webp', 'jpeg' and 'png' 'webp'
quality false Number. From 1 to 100 40
smartCrop false Boolean false false
focalPoints false Matrix [[number, number], [number, number]] [[100, 100], [20, 30]]

📒 Chech storyblok images service for further details on what any of this fields do.


PRs welcome! Please, follow Prettier rules included in .vscode

Running tests:

npm test


yarn test

Thanks! ✌️