- 4
[Error] req_proxy = RequestProxy() error
#29 opened by mnlbox - 0
Support Geonode proxy provider
#76 opened by pgaref - 4
Empty Proxy List
#42 opened by cbjrobertson - 6
Empty proxy list
#74 opened by d3banjan - 2
How To Make Post Requests
#73 opened by KingBrute - 3
doen't work for facebook urls
#71 opened by enaserianhanzaei - 2
File not found no such file or directory
#72 opened by byte-aroo - 1
Installation Issue
#70 opened by MattPChoy - 2
- 0
- 0
Moving project documentation under GH pages
#65 opened by pgaref - 2
- 0
Move project build/testing to Github actions
#62 opened by pgaref - 0
Bump support to python 3
#63 opened by pgaref - 0
webdriver hangs with this proxy
#58 opened by skt1598 - 5
- 5
How to use with Pandas Datareader?
#53 opened by windowshopr - 0
Initial Update
#44 opened by pyup-bot - 4
- 1
Adding some sort of callback?
#50 opened by la55u - 1
[Suggestion] use fake-useragent package
#28 opened by mnlbox - 0
Add protocol filter as command line argument
#48 opened by pgaref - 0
Categorise by anonymity level
#26 opened by pgaref - 0
Expose Rest API
#23 opened by pgaref - 4
Add more Proxy Providers
#36 opened by pgaref - 2
Why does this site not work with the library?
#45 opened by la55u - 1
- 2
Can't install to python 3.6
#41 opened by bondeanikets - 2
Update documentation
#35 opened by pgaref - 0
Command Line Arguments
#5 opened by pgaref - 2
requests module work slow
#39 opened by ogbofjnr - 2
Wrong author
#38 opened by ieguiguren - 6
Readme in different languages
#14 opened by pgaref - 0
Extend parsers to support Anonimity level
#30 opened by pgaref - 0
- 4
BS4 error from samair proxy parser
#33 opened by Hessu1337 - 12
Library not found error
#10 opened by ieguiguren - 0
Integate with Travis
#13 opened by pgaref - 0
HTML parser + JS evaluation
#22 opened by pgaref - 1
Test cases
#12 opened by pgaref - 2
- 2
- 2
NameError: global name 'test_url' is not defined
#15 opened by asmaier - 0
Create Agent Provider
#7 opened by pgaref - 1
- 0
HTTP Authentication
#8 opened by pgaref - 2
Parser Abstraction
#3 opened by pgaref - 1
Error Handling
#4 opened by pgaref