
Util to check that package.json and npm-shrinkwrap.json are in sync.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Checks that package.json and npm-shrinkwrap.json files are always in sync so you don't commit out-of-sync dependencies in your code.


Install it globally running

$ npm install -g npm-shrinkwrap-check


In a folder that contains a package.json run the following command:

$ npm-shrinkwrap-check

This will perform the following checks:

  • Both package.json and npm-shrinkwrap.json exist.
  • There are no dependencies in package.json that are not contained in npm-shrinkwrap.json


  -3, --v3       Perform check taking npm3 flat structure into account.
  -d, --dev      Check devDependencies.
  -h, --help     Show this help message.
  -v, --verbose  Run in verbose mode
  -V, --version  Outputs version

add as git hook

It is a good practice that you add npm-shrinkwrap-check as a git hook.

To add a pre-push hook create a .git/hooks/pre-push in your repo with the following:



This will prevent you from pushing out-of-sync package.json and npm-shrinkwrap.json files to your repo.