
Connection scripts for SAVI and the Navio2 components to work together.

Primary LanguageCMake


Connection scripts for SAVI and the Navio2 components to work together.

---- USE https://github.com/NMAI-lab/savi_ros_navio2/tree/development instead of this REPO. ----

Based on these tutorials: https://github.com/emlid/mavros-navio-python-example https://docs.emlid.com/navio2/common/dev/ros/

Setup prodeedure: Git pull this into a catkin workspace and call catkin_make. You should be good to go from there.

  1. Run ardupilot and mavros as per instructions in links above. Extracted from those links is the following:

Start ROS

Run roscore

Start arducoper

sudo systemctl start arducopter
sudo systemctl enable arducopter

Start MavROS

rosrun mavros mavros_node \
_fcu_url:=udp://:14650@ \

Setup MavROS to work without a ground station. This sets a steam rate (I don't know what that means).

rosservice call /mavros/set_stream_rate 0 10 1
  1. Run the new node
rosrun savi_ros_navio2 navioPerceptions.py